Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, 69 one of the French eagles was much spoken about. .Through his interest the gallant soldier was promoted to an ensigncy in a veteran corps. In 18 17 Sir John disposed of his villa near London, and returned to Edinburgh, where he afterwards continued permanently to reside, The only other political topic of paramount importance in which he took part was the renewal of the “bullion question.” He opposed Sir Robert Peel’s bill to the utmost ; and in 1526, aided by the pen of Sir Walter Scott, under the signature of Mu- Zuchi i&lagrmtheT, eucceeded in rousing an effectual resistance, in so far as his own country was concerned, to the threatened extinction of the small note circulation. In 1830, the “Scottish Patriot,” then far advanced in years, paid a last visit to his native county. He was received with the most affectionate attention ; and, on his return, his parting with old friends, many of whom accompanied him considerable distances, was in the highest degree affecting. He died at his house in George Street, in December 1835, and was interred on the 30th, in the Royal Chapel of Holyrood. From this rapid sketch of the life of Sir John Sinclair, a very imperfect idea can be formed of the multifarious labours in which he was incessantly engaged, Besides the works already mentioned, he was the author of several other extensive productions, among which may be mentioned the ‘‘ Code of Health and Longevity,” the “ Code of Agriculture,” etc., while his miscellaneous pamplets and papers, on political and other subjects, amount to nearly four hundred? In politics he was decidedly independent. His opinions were invariably the result of accurate information and of deep reflection. As a financier, his knowledge was comprehensive and sound; and his “History of the Revenue of the British Empire ” may be still looked upon as the best ‘authority that can be having killed three of his opponents before he succeeded in carrying off the trophy, he escaped without a wound. He is understood to have attributed much of his success to the superior training of the horse which he rode. This animal, in consequence of his own having taken ill, he procnred only the day before the engagement, and from its small stature, and being entirely unacquainted with its disposition, he felt a corresponding want of confidence on entering the field, The conflict had not long commenced, however, before he became sensible of the superior mettle of hi charger. Of its aptitude in attack and defence he had several striking instances. In the deadly combat maintained in capturing the standard, and at the moment the sabre of one of his opponents was poised with deadly aim, the little animal suddenly reared ; and he not only escaped the blow, but, from the advantage of position, was enabled to cut down his antagonist. For example, ‘‘ Address on the Corn Laws ”--“91an for Rewarding Discoveries for the Benefit of Society”-“On the Means of enabling a Cottager to keep a Cow ’I-“ Culture of Potatoes ’I-“ Sketch of a system of Education ”-“ On the Political State of Europe”-“On pmerving the Dress, the Language, the Music, etc., of the Ancient Inhabitants of Scotland ’I-“ Address to the Mercantile Interest ”-‘‘ On the Distresses of the Times ” (1816)--l‘ Plan for promoting Domestic Colonisation, by Agricultural Improvements (1819) “Address to the Reformers of Great Britain” (1819)--“0n the Causes of our National Diatresses” -“Letter on Mountain Dew”-“Hmts 89 to a Metallic Currency and a Free Trade”-“On the Cure and Prevention of Cholera, Fever,” etc. (1826)-“ Gretna Green Marriages ”-“Thonghts on Catholic Emancipation ”-‘‘ On infant Schools ”-“Plan for enabling Government to reduce Four Millions of Taxes ” (1830)--“ Fingal, a Tragedy, in Five Acta ”-“Hints on the Tithe Question,” etc. etc. Almost no question of any importance escaped his notice. These embrace subjects the most varied.
Volume 9 Page 91
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