Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 67 more ancient than the beltid plaid (or kilt) worn by the other Highland regiments. His opinions on this subject he embodied in a pamphlet; and in a song, written by him for the Caithness Fencibles, the idea was not forgotten- “ Let others brag of philibeg, Of kilt, and belted plaid, Whilst we the ancient trews will wear In which our fathers bled.” A few years after the Fencibles were embodied, Sir John raised another corps for more extended service. This regiment, at first six hundred, and afterwards one thousand strong, was called the ‘‘ Caithness Highlanders,” and served in Ireland in suppressing the Rebellion.‘ During the volunteer period, he commanded the Camp at Aberdeen, and as usual on every subject that engrossed his attention, he published several pamphlets on military matters. One of his essays was entitled “ Cursory Observations on the Military System of Great Britain,” in which the tactics of Napoleon were investigated, and improvements in the British system suggested. Sir John had no seat in Parliament from 1794 till 1797, when he was returned through the interest of the Prince of Wales, for Petersfield, in Hampi shire. The treasury was then exhausted, while its demands were increasing, and barriers almost insurmountable appeared in the way of negotiating a new loan. In this dilemma Pitt had recourse to his advice, and the result was the scheme known by the name of the “ Loyalty Loan ” the germ of several subsequent financial measures. So long as war seemed unavoidable, the Baronet gave his support unhesitatingly to the ministry; but at length, conceiving that peace was practicable, from the disposition of the French Directory, he readily entered into the scheme of a new administration, attempted in 1798 under the Earl of Moira. This, however, came to nothing; and, throughout the remaining years of Pitt’s retention of power, he took a lively interest in all the financial measures of Government, and stood forward almost alone as the champion of economy and retrenchment. When the Union with Ireland was in progress, he made a bold but unsuccessful effort to have the number of Scottish representatives au,pented to the amount since accomplished by the Reform Bill. When party changes had settled down after the reign of “AI1 the Talents,” convinced from the conduct of the First Consul-who had abolished all aemblance of deliberative government in France-that safety only consisted in the vigorous prosecution of the war, Sir John entered warmly into the measures of Government ; and, during the Premiership of Perceval, had the honour of being sworn a member of his Majesty’s Privy Council, Much, however, as he admired the general capacity of that minister, he sincerely regretted the coun- When the expedition to Egypt waa undertaken, s considerable body of the Caithness Fenciblles One of them, named Siclair, was the soIdier of the 42d For this service Si volunteered into regimeni of the line. regiment who took an eagle from the Invincibles at the battle of AIexandria. John procured him promotion.
Volume 9 Page 89
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