Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


504 INDEX TO THE NAMES, ETC. Wheeler, Ann, 361 Whitbread, Mr. 247 White, Mr., 193 White, Henry Kirk, 299 White, Hbughton, 359, 360 White, Mrs. Houghton, 363 Whitefield, Rev. Mr., 41, 86 Whitefoord, Caleb, Esq., 60 Whitefoord, AIiss Maria, 59 Whytock, Rev. Mr., 245 Wiggan, Miss, 433 Wilberforce, William, Esq., 317 Wilde, Mr. John, 462 Wilkes, John, 392 Wilkes, Miss, 392 William IV., 214, 233 Williams, Sam, 354 Williarnson, John, 29 Williamson, Barbra, 29 Williamson, Mr. David, 122 Williamson, Mr. Janies, 122 Williamson, Kirkpatrick, Esq., 135, 137 Williamson, Mr. George, 168 Williamson, Misses, 202 Willison, David, printer, 475 Willock, Captain George, 305,306 Wilson, Rev. Dr., 109 Wilson, Thomas, 202, 345 Wilson, Rev. David, 279 Wilson, Provost, 328 Wilson, Rev. Dr., Hebrew professor, St. Andrews, 392 Wilson, Nr. John, 403, 407 Wilson, John, 408 Wilson, Mr, W. S., 445 Wilson, Professor, 457 Wilson, Robert Sym, Esq., 457 Wilson, James, 457 Winchilsea, Lord, 301 Witherspoon, Dr., 83 Woffington, Mrs., 205 Wood, Rev. James, 161 Wood, George, Esq., 193 Wood, Miss Apes, 193 Woodhead, Yr. Anthony, 1 Woods, Mr., actor, 204, 236, 260 Wordsworth, William, Esq., 338, Wraxall, Sir William, 257 Wright, Miss, 284 Wynne, Lady Watkins William, Wynyard, General, 295 Y YATES,M r., 177 Yates, Mrs., 204-206 York, Duke of, 22, 24, 189, 272, York, Duchess of, 208 Young, Miss Apes, 50 Young, Dr., 260 , Young, Mr. Robert, 403, 408 Younger, Mr. Archibald, 4 Yule, Dr. 81 Z Z ~ Ith,e Persian poet and moral- Zeithen, General, 259 391 469 349, 392, 446 ist, 302
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