Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


INDEX TO THE NAMES, ETC. 501 Paxton, Mr., 282 Peacock, Mr., 122 Peddie, Rev. Dr., 245, 279 Peddie, Rev. William, 352 Peel, Sir Robert, 69 Pendleton, Mr., 193 Pennant, Thomas, 180 Perceval, Right Hon. Spencer, Percy, Mr., 306 Persia, King of, 300, 303, 305 Perth, Lady, 24 Philippe, Louis, 200 Philp, Jameq Esq., 178 Philp, Mr., 235 Picton, General, 275 Pierie, Lieutenant John, 411 Pillans, Professor, 424 Pilon, Mr., 258 Pindar, Peter, 188 Piper, Count, 25 Pitcairn, Robert, Esq. , 239 Pitcairne, Dr. , 209 Pitmilly, Lord, 363 Pitt, Hon. William, 22, 37, 64, Playfair, Professor, 141, 142, 367 Polignac, Duc de, 198 Polkemmet, Lord, 61, 380, 384, Pompadour, Madame de, 183 Ponsonby, Lord, 433 Porteous, Dr. , Bishop of London, Porteous, Captain, 123, 186 Porteous, Rev. Dr., 352 Portland, Duke of, 128 Portland, Duchess of, 180 Potter, Dr. Michael, 82 Potter, Miss, 82 Powell, Mr., 204 Powis, Henry-Arthur Earl of Preston, Sir Robert, Bart., 52 Pridie, Mr. Hamden, 374 Pringle, Mr., 4 Pringle, Sir John, Bart. , 234 Pringle, Thomas, W.S., 289 Pringle, Robert, Esq., 289 Pringle, Professor John, 381 Pruasia, King of, 115, 259 Prussia, Frederick of, 196, 350 Pulteney, Sir William, 180 Pulteney, Sir Jam- Murray, 26, 67 65, 67, 248, 249, 374 386 24 469 106 Bart., 325 'urves, Sir Alexander, 25 'nrves, Mr., 105 Q ~UILLERa nd Meyer, Meam. ,2 43 R AD STOCK, Lord, 301, 308 be, Mr. James, 283 iae, Mr. John, 197 be, Sir David, Lord Justice- Clerk, 250, 286 Eae, Sir Wdliam, Bart., M.P., 308 Xaeburn, Sir Henry, 4, 53, 109, 131 Zamsay, Mr. John, 26 Ramage, Mr., 88 Ramsag, Mr., of Messrs. Mansfield, Hunter, and Ramsay, 13, 294 Ramsay, Miss, 294 Ramsay, Allan the poet, 27, Ramsay, Mr. David, 30, 120 Ramsay, George, Esq., 120 Ramsay, Dr., 179 Ramsay, Kirsty, 199 Ramsay, Sir Andrew, 265 Ramsay, Hon. Captain, 427 Ramsay, Hon. Mrs., 427 Randall, Rev. Mr., 152 Randolph, Messrs. , 141 Rankeillor, Lord, 415 Rankine, Convener, 12 Rankine, Mr. John, 128 Rattray, Mr. John, 210 Rawdon, Lord, 27 Rawdon, Lady Elizabeth, 25 Read, Justice, 391 Reay, Donald Lord, 162 Reekie, Deacon, 17 Regent, Prince, 252, 295, 303 Reichstadt, Duc de, 309 Reid and Son, Messrs. , 30 Reid, Jamie, 138, 139 Reid, Tom, 138 Reid, hIajor,'.271 Reid, James, Esq., 379 Reston, Lord, 140, 433 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 239 Richardson, Mr. , of Pitfour, 19' Richardson and Co., Bfwm Richmond, Mr. John, 246 127 304, 305 Ralph, 218 Lichmond, Miss Elizabeth, 246 liddell, Sir Walter, 73 liddell, Miss Helen, f3 tigg, Mr. Sheriff, 148 tigg, James Hume, Esq., 61 tigg, Mrs. Hume, 149 Eigg, Mr. Thomas, 145 iigg, Patick, Esq., 149 Eigg, Miss Mally, 149 titchie, Mr. Alexander, 11 iitchie, John, Esq., 78 Zitchie, Miss Isabella, 78 Xobertson, Mr. George, 3 Robertson, Kiss Marion, 13 Robertson, Principal, 13, 119, 268, 383, 384, 411, 457 Robertson, Rev. Dr., of Leith, 78, 152 Robertson, James, 88 Robertson, Rev. Mi-., 103 Robertson, Robert, 207 Robertson, Laird, 218 Robertson, Mr. John, 292 Robertson, Mr. Alexander, 329 Robertaon, Lord, 417, 462 Robinson, George, Esq., 465 Robison, John, Esq., 202 Roden, Earl of, 25 Rodney, Admiral, 62, 439 Rollo, Lord, 196 RoUo, Hon. Isabella, 196 Romilly, Sir S., 433 Rose, Lieut.-Colonel Hugh, 467 * Rose, Mr. Alexander, 467 Rose, Mr. Robert, 467 Rose, General Sir John, K.C.B. , Rose, Miss Catharine, 467 Rose, Miss Grace, 467 Rose, Miss Jane, 467 Rose, Miss Helen, 467 Rose, Miss Charlotte, 467 Rose, Miss Anne, 467 Rm8, Mr. Walter, 221, 222, 282 Ross, Miss Georgina, 336 ROM, Colonel Andrew, 437 Ross, Miss, 437 Ross, Charles, Esq., 442 Row, Mathew, Esq., 456 Rosslyn, Earl of, 403 Rothes, Earl of, 401 Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 181 Rowan, Hamilton, Esq., 121, Rowan, hIra. Hamilton, 174 ROP~S, -, 446 467 177
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