Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


NOTICE TO THE FIRST EDITION. WITH this, the concluding Part, I feel called upon to express, in the warmest manner, the sense I entertain of the very flattering encouragement which has been extended to the Work. To my numerous and highly respectable Subscribers, who, coming forward in almost every instance unsolicited, have patronised the undertaking by their countenance and support, I beg to offer my most sincere thanks. From the length of time which has elapsed since the commencement of the Publication, their patience has no doubt been fully exercised ; yet I cannot accuse myself of any unnecessary delay in its progress through the press. The nature of the Work-the almost insurmountable aculty, in many instances, of obtaining correct information-and the research which its pages display, will, I trust, be apology sufficient for the protracted period of completion. It will be observed, however, on referring to the Prospectus, that the engagement to publish in monthly Parts has not been exceeded ; but that, on the contrary, several months are anticipated. Such has been my anxiety to have the Biographical Sketches complete, that the Letterpress has been extended to nearly double of what was originally stipulated to be given. This, of course, has been accomplished at much additional expense on my part, without any extra charge to the Subscribers; but stimulated by the desire to render the Work not less valuable than curious, I feel gratified by the approval so generally accorded, and the prospect that a still increasing demand will amply repay my outlay of capital. To those who have kindly supplied family information, and to the several literary and antiquarian gentlemen whom I have had occasion to consult, and who have, with much liberality, contributed to the historical, traditional, and local interest of the Work, my acknowledgments are due in an especial degree. It is to be regretted that a few Etchings by Kay have not been inserted in this Collection. During the life of the Artist some of them were disposed of to the parties interested, either because, as good likenesses, they wished to possess them-or, if offensive, that they might be withdrawn from the public. In this way several desirable productions of his pencil are awanting ; but, from advances made by one or two individuals on the subject, in whose possession some of the Plates are, I am hopeful that a few additions may yet be made to the Collection. These, together with B number
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... V l l l INTR 0 DUCT ORY N 0 T ICE. of original Drawings by Kay, and from which I have been strongly urged to take Engravings, I may possibly be induced, at some future period, to publish as a SUPPLEMENT to the present Volumei It may be well here to state that, in accordance with an early formed resolution, I have throughout the Work been most careful to avoid whatever might prove offensive either politically or personally. This,,it will readily be conceived, from the nature of many of the subjects, was a task of no easy performance. I flatter myself, however, that I have so far succeeded in this respect as almost to disarm censure ; while in no instance am I aware of having stated facts without duly weighing the auaority upon which these are given. To have produced a work of similar magnitude, and of a description so diversified, entirely free from error, or beyond the reach of criticism, is what no one will pretend to j and I trust the utmost allowance will be conceded. HUGH PATON. EDINBURGDHe,c ember 1838.
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