Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


INDEX TO THE NAMES, Macharg, Quintin and Isobel, 7 Mackay, Jamea, Esq., 18 Mackay, Hon. General Alexander, Mackay, Lieut.-General, 22 Mackcoull, Ben, 354 Mackcoull, John, 354,362 Mackcoull, Mrs., 358, 360 Mackenzie, Mr. Henry, 19, 99, Mackenzie, Dr., 60 Mackenzie, Kincaid, Lord Pro- Mackenzie, Francis Eumberston, Mackenzie, Sir George, 454 Mackintosh, Sir James, 409 Macklin, Charles, 261 Macknight, Rev. Mr., 76 Maclachlan, R.obert, Esq., 235 Maclachlan, Miss Mary, 235 Macneil, John, Esq., 91 Maconochie, Mr. Alexander, 19 ’ Macpherson, Mr. William, 471 Macrimmon, the piper, 299 Madan, Dr., 350 Maitland, Alexander, Esq., 62 Maitland, Miss Sarah, 62 Maitland, Lady Elizabeth, 234 Makolm, General, 300 Manderston, Lord Provost, 307, Manners, Bailie, 307 Mansfield, Hunter, and Ranisay, Messrs., 13, 294 Mansfield, Lord, 20 Mar, Earl of, 404 Margamt, Maurice, 47, 191 Majoribanks, Sir John, 44, 454 Marjoribanks, Edward, Esq., 294 Marjoribanks, William, Esq., 296 MaGoribanks, John, 296 Majoribanks, Edward, Esq., 296 Marshall, Mr., 244 Marshall, &a, 244 Marshall, Dr., 449 Marshall, Dr., 452 Martin, Mr. George, 1, 4 Martin, the portrait painter, 4 Martin, Dr. George, 53 Martin, Miss, 242 Martin, Thomas, Esq., 254 Mason, Mr. Hector, 82 Masterton, Mr. Allan, 1 Masterton, Colonel, 404, 405 Mathewson, Jam- 267 18 110, 370 vost, 372 Esq., 411 308, 458 Mathias, P. Luma and Co., Mathison, &. Thomas, 209 Maturin, Rev. C. R., 99 Maule, Sir Thomas, 427 Maule, Henry, Esq., 427 Maule, Hon. Fox, 431 Maxwell, William, Esq., 226 Maxwell, Miss Isabells, 226 Maxwell, Xis, 279 Maxwell, Sir William, 330 Mayne, William, 207 Meadowbank, Lord, senior, 163, Meadowbank, Lord, junior, 21, bredwyn, Lord, 466 Megget, Mr., 124 Meikle, Mr., 66 Melancthon, Philip (the Reformer), 229 Melvill, James, 207 Menzies, John, Esq., 201 Mercer, Archibald, Esq., 461 Mercer, Miss, 461 Methuen, Lord, 432 Methven, Lord, 21, 384, 387, Meyer and Quiller, Messrs., 243 Michael, Russian Princc, 375 Miller, Professor, 61, 445 Miller, Sir Thomas, 90, 346 Miller, Lieut. -Col one1 William, Miller, &., 286 Miller, James, Esq., 443 Mills, Captain, 307 Milne, Captain, 342 Minto, Lord, 300 Mitchell, Mr. John, 13 Mitchell, Miss Charlotte, 13 MitcheU, Mk, 124 Mitchell, -, 162 Mitchell, Mr., 434 Moffat, Mr. William, 168, 176 Moffat, Mr., 421 Moir, Jamea, Esq., 263 Moir, Rev. James, 278 Moira, Earl of, 64, 67, 248 Xoligny, Abbe de, 199 Monboddo, Lord, 20, 368, 436, Monckton, General, 7 Moncreiff. Rev. Sir William, MoncreX, Jamea, Esq., 437 1 Messrs., 306, 307 380, 384, 385, 417, 432 450, 451 418 347, 348 438 Bart., 267 ETC. 49 9 Moncreiff. Lord, 437 Moncreiff, Mr. Robert, 230 MoncreiE, Mr. Scott, 140 Monro, Dr., primus, 387 Monro, Dr., Becu1Gdus, 415 Monro, Lieutenant Alexander, Monro, Dr. Jameq 452 Monro, Mr. Henry, 452 Monro, Dr. David, 452 Monro, Lieutenant William, 452 Monro, Alexander, Esq., 452 Montague, Duke of, 47 Monteith, Mr. James, 377 Bfontgolfier, Monsieur, 64 Montgomerie,Alex. ,Esq.,of Coils- Montgomerie, Colonel James, 125 Montgomerie, Mrs., 127 Montgomerie, Lord Archibald, Montgomerie, Lady, 130, 132 Montgomerie, Hon. Roger, 133 Montgomerie, Lady Jane, 133 Montgornerie, Lady Lilias, 133 Montgomerie, Alexander, Esq., Montgomerie, Miss Elizabeth, 418 Montmse, Duke of, 82,253, 469 Monypenny, Captain, 22 Moodie, Provost James, 403, 407, Moodie, Colonel, 403 Moodie, Rev. Dr. William, 435 Moore, Rev. Henry, 159 Moore, Sir John, 163, 274 Moore, Thomas, Esq., 391 More, J. S., Esq., 105 More, Rev. Mr., 245 Morier, Mr., 300, 301, 302, 305 Morier, Mrs., 302 Morier, Misses, 302 Morison, Donald, 6 Morrison, Mii Nancy, 35 MorrieOn, Mr., 247, 248, 249 Morrison, Mr., 421 Morthland, John, Esq., 446 Morton, Earl of, 295, 308, 341 Moseq Mrs., 160 M m a n , , 128 Kwman, Mr. Rugh, I49 Kossop, Mr., 205 Konntgarref Viscount Lord, 176, 452 field, 125 132 418 408 177 kfoyeq Dr., 458 Kut€ling, Baron, 68
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