Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


INDEX TO THE NAMES, ETC. 497 HS;rdy, Mr. Thomas, 177 Harmer, Mr., 361 Harris, Mr. T., 316 Hart, Andrew, printer, 473 Harvey, Waiani, M.D., 450 Hastings, Lady Flora, 27 Hastings, Warren, Esq., 64 Hawley, General, 106 Hawswell, Peggy, 366 Hay, Dr. Thomas, 375 Hay, John, Esq., 263 Hay, Dr. David, 263 Hay, Lieutenant, 276 Hay, Mr. John, senior, 329 Hay, Mr. John, junior, 329 Hay, Mr. Frederick, 329 Hay, Miss Henrietta, 330 Hay, Sir John, Bart., 371 Headford, Marquis of, 305 Henderland, Lord, 90, 346 Henderson, Mr., 12 Henderson, Dr., 42 Henderson, Mr., 105 Henderson, Mr., 287 .Hendemon, Sir John, of Fordel Bad., 403, 407, 408, 409, 41( Henry, Blind, 320 Henry, Dr., 451 Hepburn, Colonel David, 393 Hepburn, Miss Grahame, 393 Herbert, Lady Henrietta-Antonia Herd, Mr. David, 1, 4 Hermand, Lord, 163, 277, 380 Heron, Douglas and Co., 59 Herschel, Sir John F. W., 142 Hesse, Prince of, 137 Hibbert, Dr., 454 Hill, Rev. Rowland, 41 Hill, Lord, 41 Hill, Mr., surgeon, 45 Hill, Mr. Peter, senior, 94, 209 Hill, Mr. Peter, junior, 322 Hinton w. Donaldson, 20 Hodgins, Mr., 259 Hogg, Jameq the Ettrick Shep Hogg, a. W., junior, 211 Holland, Dr., 452 Home, Rev. John, 72, 83 Home, Joseph, Esq., 73 Home, Miss Catharine, 73, 76 Home, Sir Jameg 73 Home, &., 73 VOL. 11. 469 384, 385, 438 400 herd, 99 Iome, Captain Joseph, 75 Iome, David, one of the Barons of the Exchequer, 75, 420, 464 'Iome, John, Esq., W.S., 75 Tome, Miss Agnes, 76 Ionyman, Patrick, Esq., 162 lonyman, Captain Patrick, 163 lonyman, Lieutenant - Colonel Robert, 163 Xooke, William Jackson, R.A., 454 $ope, Hon. Charles, Lord Pre. sident, 44,380, 401, 417, 442, 443 LIope, General, 163 Xope, Mr. John, 246 Hope, Lady Charlotte, 255 Hope, John, Esq., 255 Hope, Major-General, 274 Hope, Admiral Sir William John Hope, Mr. Robed, 415 Hope, Dr. John, 450 Hope, Dr. Thomas Charles, 417 Hopetoun, Charles first Earl of Hopetoun, John second Earl of Hopetoun, James third Earl of Aopetoun, John fourth Earl of Korn, Bailie, 231 Horn, Miss Anne, 393 Horne, Mr. Jameq W.S., 407 Horner, Francis, Esq., M.P., 68 Howard, General Sir George, 351 Howie, Johnnie, 107 Hume, David, the historian, 22 72,73, 141, 445, 457 Hume, Mr. George, 370 Hunt, Mr. James, 403, 407, 408 Hunt, Mr. Thomas, 403 Hunter, Alexander G., of Black Hunter, Robert, 156 Hunter, Mr. James, 282 Hunter, Dr., 452 Hunter, David, Esq., 452 Hunter, Miss, 452 Hunter, Mr., of Messrs. Mansfield Hunter, and Ramsay, 13 Huntingdon, Earl of, 16 Huntingdon, Countess of, 102 Huntingdon, Lord, 262 stone, 295 246 179, 255 93 402 388, 413 ness, 1, 2, 457 Huntly, Marquis of, 247, 272, Huntly, Marchioness of, 246 Hutchison, Mr., 439 Button, Mr. John, 402, 403,406, Hutton, bfr. Robed, 403, 408 275, 427, 428 407, 408 I INCLEDOMNr,. , 358, 359 Inglis, William, Esq., 238 Inglis, Thomas, 408 Inglis, John, Esq., 452 Jnnes, Rev. Mr. William, 39 Innes, Mr. Edward, 282, 287 Innes, Mrs., 284 Irvine, Miss Anne, 277 Irving, George, Esq., 462 Irving, Miss, 462 Ivory, Sir James, 140,142 J JAOR, James, 44 Jackson, Rev, Mr., 173, 174 Jackson, Mr., 203, 258, 259, 260, James I. of Scotland, 265. James IY., 342 James VI., 8,125, 207, 324, 341, James 11. of Britain, 208, 212 James, Mr., 42 Jameson, Robert, Esq., 321 Jamieson, Convener, 9 Jamieson, bb., 99 Jamieson, Mr., 189 Jamieson, Dr., 265, 366 Jamieson, Mr. Alexander, 321 Jamieson,Mr. William,TV.S., 363 Jardine, Rev. Dr. John, 327 Jardine, Professor, 465 Jefferson, President, 71 Jeffrey, Lord, 363 Jeffrey, Yr. George, 388 ' Jeffrey, Miss Charlotte Wilkes, Jephson, Captain, 93, 205 Joass, Alexander, Esq., 38 Joass, Misv Mary, 38 Jobson, James, Esq., 436 Jobson, Miss, 436 Johnson, Rev. Robert, 161 Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 380 Johnston, Add Patie, 74: Johnston, Robert, Esq., 76 Johnstnn, Miss Margaret, 76 264 343 392 3 s
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