Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


INDEX TO THE NAMES, ETC. 49 5 Dundas, Right Hon. William, Dundas, Rev. Robert, 328 Dondas, Robert Adam, Esq., 389 Dnndas, Miss hlary, of Fingask, Dundas, Captain, 466 Dundas, Charles Whitley, 11. P., Dundee, Viscount, 178 Dundonald, Lord, 105, 106 Dunfermline, Earl of, 125 Dunlop, Henry, Esq., 376 Dum, Mr. Robert, 8, 150 Dunn, John Charles, Esq, 434 Dunn, Miss Mary Anne, 434 Dunnam, the giant, 116 Dunsinnan, Lord, 380 Dunsyre, John, 408 Dapre, James, Esq,, 330 Durham, Sir Philip, Bart., 200, Durrant, blr., 300 295, 296 466 466 410 E EARLE, Mr., 295 Easton, Mrs., 244 Easton, Captain George, 467 Edgar, William, 353 Edgar, Admiral, 420 Edgar, Margaret, 420 Edward, Prince Charles, 13, 101, 109,156, 192, 264, 294 Edward I., 427 Edwards, Bryan, Esq., 409 Eglinton, Alexanier sixth Earl Eglinton, Alexander tenth Earl Eglinton, Archibald eleventh Earl Eglinton, Countess of, 127, 130 Eglinton, Hugh twelfth Earl of, 79, 418 Eglinton, Archibald thirteenth Earl of, 132 Elcho, Lord, 25 Elder, Provost, 107, 237 Elgin, Earl of, 52, 315 Elibank, Lord, 75 Ellioch, Lord, 75 Elliot, Sir Gilbert, 75 Elliot, Mr., 302 Elliot, Sir William, 308 Elliot, General, 394 Elliotson, Professor, 452 of, 125 of, 51, 127, 128 of, 127, 128, 132 Ellis, Francis, 154 Elphinston, Lord, 127 Elphinston, Mr., 381 Elphinstone, Sir Howard, 295 Elphinstone, Sir James, 393 Elphinstone, Miss, 393 Elphinstone, Sir R. D. H., Bart., Elphinstone, Miss Mary-Francis, Emmet, Thomas Addis, 174 Empson, William, Esq., 392 Errol, Earl of, 25, 106, 129 Errol, Countess of, 25 Erskine, Sir Henry, 22 Erskine, Han. Thomas, 26, 390 Erskine, Hon. Andrew, 59, 60 Erskine, General Sir W., 151 Erskine, Sir James, of Torry, 151 Erskine, Hon. Henry, 217, 219, 239, 240, 316, 383, 431, 446 Erskine, Captain James Francis, 236 Erskine, Lady, of Grange, 332 Erskine, Colonel James-Francis, 404, 406, 408 Erskine, Miss, 431 Eskgrove, Lord, 162 Eston, Mrs, 259 Eugene IL, 116 Ewart, Sergeant, 68 Ewing, Rev. Greville, 39, 40, 311 Eyton, Lieut., 198 418 418 F FALCONER,S ir D a d , 73 Falconer, Miss Catherine, 73 Farquhanon, Miss, 135 Fergusson, Robert, the poet, 1, 10, 94, 186, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 401 Fergusson, Dr. Adam, 75, 351 Fergusson, Sir Adam, 125, 126 Fergusson, Mr. of Raith, 164,402 Fer-eusson.. BIr. James. 286 Fergusson, Thomas, Esq., W.S., 379 Fergusson, Mr., of Craigdarroch, Fergusson, Hon. Robert Cutlar, Fergusson, GeneralRoland C. ,402 Fergusson, James, Esp., W.S., Ferrers, Earl of 16 Fettes, Lady, 25 402 402 424 Fettes, Sir William, 311 Fig, the prize-fighter, 292 Finch. Mr., 287 Finch, b h . , 287 Findlater and Seafield, Earl of, Finlay, Mr. D a d , 9 Finlay, Mr. William, 98 Finlayson, James, 353 Finlayson, Professor, 411, 412 Fisher, Miss Kitty, 14 Fitgate, Counsellor Townley, 170 Fitton, Dr., 454 Fletcher, Angus, 445 Fletcher, Archibald, Esq., 445 Fletcher, Miles, Esq., 416 Fletcher, Angus, Esq., 446 Foote, Mr. Samuel, 86, 87 Forbes, Sir William, Bart., 14, 25, 144, 146 Forbes, John €I., Esq. (now Lord Medwyn), 99 Forbes, Mr. James, 107 Forbes, Mrs., of Callander, 109 Forbes, William, Esq., of Callan- Forbes, William, Esq., advocate, Forbes, Duncan, Esq. (Lard Forbes and Co., Messrs. Peter, Forbes, George, Esq., 247 Forbes, Charles, Esq., 295, 20G Forbes, Professor, 452 Forrest and Dalgleish, BIessry., Foulis, Sir John, Bart., 209 Fonlis, Sir Jarnes, Bart., 222 Fox, Hon. Charles James, 63, 163, 164, 165, 248, 397, 400, 427, 442 433 der, 109 20 2 President), 210 213 123 Fox, Sir Stephen, 163 Fraser, Mr. Alexander, 12 Fraser, Mr. George, 57 Fraser, Sir Angustus, Bart., 57 Fraser, Major, 60 Fraser, Andrew, 219 Fraser, Jeanie, 241 Fraser, Captain 246, Fraser, Mr. John, 283 Fraser, James, Esq., 467 Fraser, Miss Lilias, 467 Freeland, Henry, 112 French, Rev. Mr., 134 French, Henry, 359, 360
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