Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


49 4 INDEX TO THE NAMES, ETC. Craig, Sir Jamrs Gibson, Bart. Craig, William, Esq., 324 Craig, Lord, 163, 370, 380, 384 386, 418, 431, 437 Craig, Sir James, 382 Craigie, Lord, 441 Cranstoun, Hon. Ceorge, 438 Crawford, Margaret, 43 Crawford, Messrs., 78 Crawford, Countess of, 132 Creech, Mr. William, 19, 31 181, 241, 400 Crisp, Henry, 205 Cromwell, Oliver, 222 Crowne, Dr., 451 Culbertson, Mr. James, senior Culbertson, Rev. Robert, 244 Cullen, Dr., 52, 54, 75, 336, 337 Collen, Lord, 163, 370, 380 Cullen, Professor, 337 Cullen, Mrs., 337 Cumberland, Duke of, 51, 156 Cumberland, Richard, LL. D. Cumming, Mr, James, of thc Cumming, Rev. Robert, 49 Cumming, Thomas, Esq., 151, Cumming, Alexander, Esq., 263 Cumniing, Miss Margaret, 263 Cumming, Alexander, Esq., 466 Cumming, Miss Jane, 466 Cundell, Mr. John, 208 Cuninghame, John, Esq., 466 Cunningham, Allan, 132 Cunningham, Miss, 148 Cunningliam, Mr., 222 Cunningham, Mr., of Seabank, Cunningham, Mr, Alexander, Cunningham, Dr. Harry, 421 Cunningham, Miss Esther, 421 Curran, John Fhilpot, Esq., 171, Cutler, Sir John, 323 Cuvier, Baron, 453 324, 389, 407 244 450 270 261 Lyon Office, 1 158 269 384 172, 173 D DALGLEISHan d Forrest, Messrs., 123 Dalhousie, Earl of, 25 Dalhousie, Countess Dowager o Dalhousie, eighth 1 Jrl of, 426 Dallas, James, Esq., 455 Dalrymple, Sir John, 295 Dalrymple, General, 392, 393 Dalrymple, James, Esq., 393 Dalrymple, Sir John Hamilton Dalrymple, John, 471 Dalyell, Sir Robert, Bart., 465 Dalzel, Professor, 351, 411, 412 Dsmas, Baron De, 199 Demey, George, 406 Daubeny, Dr., 454 Davidson, Mr., 285 Davidson, Miss, 393 Davidson, Dr., 407 Davidson, Rev. Dr., 458 Davies, Colonel, 350 Davis, Joseph, 459 Davy, Sir Humphrey, 66, 446 Davy, Dr., 446, 452 Dawson, Miss, 446 Delafield, Combe and Co., Messrs. Dempster, Mr., jeweller, 117 Denovan, Mr., 357, 361, 362, 361 Dewar, Principal, of Aberdeen, 4: lick, Mr. Richard, 218 Xck, Colonel, 274 lickson, Rev. David, 310 lickson, Rev. Nr., 152, 434 lickson, Dr. David, 105, 152 lickson, James Wardrobe, Esq. I lickson, Andrem, 208, 212 lickson, Lieut-Colonel, 273 Xetrichstein, Count, 309 Xgges, Mr., 33, 204 )ighton, Mr., 259 Iignum, Mr., the vocalist, 273 )on, Sir Alexander, 60 )on, Sir William, 60 )on, General, 273 )onaldson, Mr., 18 )onaldson, Mr. William, 154 bonaldson, Gilbert, 227 )onglas, Lord Charles, 35, 36 louglas, Heron and Co., 59 loughs, Mr. Alexander, 98 Iouglas, Joan, 241 loughs, Sir James, 295 25 Bart., 460 29 I 458 313, 458 313 Douglas, Lady Jane, 420 Douglas, James, Esq., 465 Douglas, Miss Mary, 465 DOW, John, 95, 188 Dowie, Johnnie, 88 Dowling, Mathew, Esq., 171 Downes, Justice, 172 Downes, Lord, 172 Downie, Mr. David, 419 Drake, Bill, 354, 355 Dreghorn, Lord, 162, 400 Drennan, Dr., 167, 171, 172 Drummond, Dr., 53 Drummond, Provost, 327 Drummond, Rev. George William Drummond, William, of Haw- Drummond, Mr. Home, 353 Drummore, Lord, 137, 138, 392 Drysdale, Mrilliam, 43 Ducrow, A b , , 317 Duguid, Mr. James, 29 Dugnid, Mrs., 29 Dumbreck, &lr. John, 24, 29 Dumbreck, William, Esq., 29 Dumfries, Lord and Lady, 281 Duncan, Alexander, Esq., 37 Duncan, Admiral Lord Viscount, Duncan, Colonel, 37 Duncan, Mr. James, 77 Duncan, Dr., 81, 294 Duncan, Rev. Mr., 130 Duncan, Rer. Mr., of Mid-Calder, hncan, Rev. Alexander, 447 lundas, Henry, Lord Melville, 22, 37, 38, 65, 118, 239, 242, 247, 277, 296, 328, 402, 457 lundas, Sir Laurence, 33, 34, 236, 239, 346, 404 hndas, Captain Philip, 37 lundas, Sir James, 328 lundas, Robert, Esq., of Arniston (one of the Senators of the College of Justice), 322 hndas, President (the second), 326 )nndas, General Sir David, 328 hndas, Robert, Esq., of Arniston (Lord Chief Baron), 91, 119, 167, 266, 295, 326, 337, 451 Auriol Hay, 337 thornden, 341 121, 168 37 245 hindas, Sir David, 295
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