Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


478 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 335. KING, QUEEN, and DAUPHIN OF FRANCE.' This well-executed Print of the unfortunate Louis the Sixteenth, and his equally ill-fated Consort and Son, is said by Kay to have been taken from the lid of a French snuff-box. 336. This is rather an ingenious Portrait of the EMPERORN APOLEONI. ; but whether the design be original or a copy has not been stated by Kay. 337. TOUSSAINLTO WERTURGEe,n eral of the black troops of St. Domingo, and Governor of that island. Born a slave, his means of instruction were extremely limited, yet he acquired a tolerable knowledge of the rudiments of education, and conducted himself with the utmost propriety while a bondsman. On the revolt of the blacks he joined his countrymen, and gradually attained the supreme command. During the period of his government, he displayed a capacity for legislation equal to his courage and generalship in the field. When, after a severe struggle for the independence of Hayti, he at length submitted to the overwhelming forces of the French, and had retired to his estate, under the guarantee of protection, he was privately seized, carried on board a French man-of-war, and hurried away to France, where he was thrown into prison, and there expired, after a lingering illness, in the second year of the Consulate (1803). His fate, however, operated with talismanic effect upon his countrymen ; they flew to arms ; and, headed by the brave but cruel Dessaline, completed that independence of which, under the patriotic Louverture, they had shown themselves worthy. He was an extraordinary man. 338. HENRYB ROUGEAMa, fterwards Lord Brougham and Vaux. This Etching of the la.te Lord High Chancellor is from a medal, cast in 1812, to commemorate his exertions in the cause of commerce. The public life of Lord Brougham is too well known to require any comment here. His father, Henry Brougham, of Brougham Hall, in Westmoreland, happening to visit Edinburgh, was recommended to reside with the widow of the Rev. Mr. Syme, sister of Principal Robertson, who occupied the second flat of WLellan's Land, head of the Cowgate. Here he found himself so much at home that he was induced to prolong his stay ; and at length falling in love with Miss Eleanor, daughter of Mrs, Syme, he married her, and settled in Edinburgh. For some time the parties continued to reside with Mrs. Syme, but they afterwards removed to St. Andrew Square, where the subject of the medal was born in 1779. He was the eldest son ; and, as generally known, studied for the Scottish bar, to which he was admitted in 1800, and where he practised for some time prior to A curious volume was printed some time ago, the object of which waa to establish that the Dauphin escaped from the revolutionary murderers-that the Empress Josephine and Napoleon were cognisant of his existence-that he lived for a series of years as a watchmaker in Prnssia-and that, if he were allowed half-an-hour's conversation with the Duchess d'ilngoulbme, he could establish his birth. He set up no claim to the crown of France, but merely demanded restoration of his civil rights as a true-born Frenchman. He commenced legal proceedings to have his status established, but these were stopped by Louis Philippe. He took the title of Duke of Normandy.
Volume 9 Page 636
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