Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


A P P E N D I X . AS the greater part of the following Prints, though enumerated in the Catalogue of Kay’s E t c h g s , could not With propriety be introduced into a work of ORIGINALP ORTRAITitS ,h as been deemed proper to attach them to the Collection in the form of an Appendix. They are all, of course, the production of Kay; and some of the Etchings are rather favourable as specimens of his proficiency in the art :- 330, HIS MAJESTYG EORGET HE THIRD. 331. A profile of HISM AJESTYG EORGET HE THIRD. by the artist during a short stay in London in the year 1800. These were executed 332. PAULE MPERORO F RUSSIA. Kay states that this likeness of Paul I. is from an original drawing by a Russian gentleman, who was banished to Siberia for thus having ventured to portray the ugly features of the Imperial Autocrat. 333. MARY QUEENO F SCOTLANwDas done for an edition of Robertson’s History of Scotland. The introduction of this Print of the Scottish Queen affords us the opportunity of mentioning a singular instance of regard to her memory, as displayed by one of her most enthusiastic admirers-the late Mr. James Cumming, of the Lyon Office, the origina,l Secretary of the Society of Scottish Antiquaries. In company with Mr. Alexander Brown, librarian of the Faculty of Advocates, Mr. Andrew Bell, Mr. William Smellie, and his son, after the glass had gone pretty freely round, Curnming burst into an immoderate and hysterical fit of crying. “What the devil is the matter with you now 3” said the elder Mr. Smellie. “ Good - ! ” cried the antiquary, “ it is just this day two hundred years since Mary was beheaded ! ” To the no small amusement of the party (so sincere was his sorrow), it was found impossible to stop his crying, or to divert him from the subject, for a considerable time. 334. JOHKNN OXt, he Scottish Reformer, taken “ from an original painting in the possession of Joseph Williamson, Esq., advocate,” and intended for a frontispiece to Knox’s Works, which was to have been published by subscrip tion by Hugh Inglis.
Volume 9 Page 635
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