Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


454 BI 0 GRAPHICAL SKETCHES. specimens brought home, a sketch of the geology of the different coasts disy covered and touched upon by our enterprising navigators, which was published, together with the botanical observations of his friends Brown and Hooker, and formed the scientific companion to Parry’s interesting narrative.” During the thirty-four years of his Professorship Mr. Jarneson had the honour of sending forth from his class-room many pupils who afterwards acquired a name in the world; and not a few of whom filled distinguished places in the seminaries and scientific institutions of Europe. It wonld be tedious to enumerate a tithe of these illustrious names ; but among others may be mentioned-Dr. Flitton, late President of the Geological Society of London ; Sir George Mackenzie, author of “ Travels in Iceland ;” Dr. Boue, President of the Geological Society of France ; Dr. Daubeny, Professor of Chemistry at Oxford; Dr. Grant, Professor of Zoology in the University of London; Dr. Turner, Professor of Chemistry in the same seminary ; Dr. Hibbert, author of the “ History of the Shetland Isles,” etc. etc. Professor Jameson, equally respected at home and abroad, was connected, lionorarily or otherwise, with almost every society for the promotion of natural history throughout the world. He was a fellow of the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh ; President of the Wernerian, and fellow of the Antiquarian, Koyal-Medical, Royal-Physical, Plinian, Highland, and Horticultural Societies of Edinburgh ; honorary member of the Royal Irish Academy, and of the Royal Society of Dublin; fellow of the Royal LinnEan, and Royal Geological Societies of London; honorary member of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta, etc. etc.’ . ROBERT JOHNSTON, Esq., the extreme figure to the right, behind Professor Jameson, was an active, public-minded citizen. His father, Robert Johnston, at one period a banker, but latterly a grocer on the North Bridge, and his uncle, the late Dr. Johnston, minister of North Leith, have both been described in a previous part of this Work. Mr. Johnston was born in 1765. Though not destined for any of the learned professions, he received an excellent education, and possessed a taste and extent of information decidedly superior to the generality of men in a mercantile sphere of life.’ On the death of his father he succeeded to the business, which he carried on throughout a period of nearly forty years with considerable success. Mr. Johnston first became a member of the Town-Council in 1810, and was elected one of the Bailies in 1812. In 1814 he was chosen Dean of Guild, the duties of which office he discharged in an efficient manner, effecting many improvements throughout the city, even in districts beyond the proper range of Professor Jameson died at Edinburgh on 17th April 1854, in the fiftieth year of his Professor- An inteiwting memoir of him by his son, Laurence Jame- His bust by Sir He was a member of the Antiquarian Society, and on terms of intimacy with Sir Walter Scott, Sir Walter presented him ship, and the eightieth year of his age. son, was published in the “ Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal for July 1854. John Steel1 may be seen in the University library. whose school-fellow he had been, and by whom he was highly respected. with a copy of hi8 poetical works, accoinpanied by a very flattering letter.
Volume 9 Page 605
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