Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 453 works illustrative of the natural history of the Scottish Isles, and had studied for two years at Freyberg, under the celebrated Werner. Few men of his day contributed more than Professor Jameson to the advancement of natural history, and more especially geology, as presented in its most popular and important department. His whole life was actively devoted to study and investigation; and whether in the class-room, or by his writings, he is equally entitled to the gratitude and respect of the student. The vigour with which he prosecuted his academical labours was the result of early enthusiasm. His first journey to Shetland, for the purpose of exploring the mineralogy and natural phenomena of these islands, was undertaken when only fifteen years of age ; and ere he had completed his nineteenth year the world was in possession of the invaluable fruits of his researches. After that period scarcely a season elapsed without witnessing some new emanation from his accumulated stores.’ Professor Jameson is known as the founder, in 1808, of the Wernerian Natural History Society of Edinburgh, and of whose Trunsactwns seven volumes have been published. Besides his numerous separate works, it is to him the world is chiefly indebted for the “ Edinburgh Philosophical Journal ”-a work begun in 1819,z and which long continued to maintain a reputation deservedly high as a valuable repository of science. The editorial duties in connection with a publication of this description, extending over a period of nearly twenty years, independently of the many valuable articles from his own pen, may well be supposed to have occupied the greater part of the time not engrossed with his classes j yet, notwithstanding his multifarious labours, Professor Jameson is understood to have been a frequent contributor to the (‘ Edinburgh Encyclopaedia,” the “ Encyclopaedia Britannica,” “ The Annals of Philosophy,” the “ Edinburgh Cabinet Library,” and to other standard works of the day. It is also worthy of notice that, “on the return of Captain Parry from his Polar Expedition, and at the request of that gentleman, he drew up, from the 1 The following is a list of the separate works by Mr. Jameson :- 1798.-Mineralogy of the Island of Arran and the Shetland Islands, with Dissertations on Peat and Kelp. 1800.-Mineralogy of the Scottish Isles, in two vols. 4t0, illustrated with Maps and Plates. Part of the materials for which he was assisted in collecting by Mr. (now Sir Charles) Bell, the celebrated anatomist. 1804.-Part. I., 8v0, of a “Mineralogical Description of Scotland,” with Maps and Plates ; containing an account of the Geology of the County of Dumfries. 1806.- Two vols. 8v0, of a “System of Mineralogy,” with Plates ; and a third on the “Characters of Minerals.” 1809.-Elements of Geognosy. 1813.-In one volume, 4t0, to the Translation of the Travels of Von Buch through Norway and Lapland-advised by Mr. Jameson-he added an account of its author, and various notes illustrative of the natural history of Norway. 1813.-Translation of Cuvier’s Essay on the Theory of the Earth, with numerow illustrations by Professor Jameson. An elegant and popular volume, which has gone through several large impressions. 1816.-h three vols., a new edition of the “ System of Mineralogy ;” also another edition of the “ Characters of Minerals.” 1820.-A third edition of the same works greatly enlarged and improved. 1821.-A Manual of Minerals and Mountain Rocks. Dr. (afterwards Sir David) Brewster was corijoined with him in the editorship ; but owing to some circumstances of a private nature, Professor Jameson became sole conductor after the publication of the tenth volume of the old series. Dr. Brewster afterwards commenced the “ Edinburgh Journal of Science.”
Volume 9 Page 604
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