Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 35 was at the dinner given by Mr. John Paton, in 1805, on being chosen one of the Deacons of Mary’s Chapel-an affair of much importance in former days. Mr. Butter had participated in the jollity of many a “deacons choosing;” and on the occasion alluded to, in spite of his years and debility, entered into the spirit of the festive board with all the energy of his younger years. He was married, and had four daughters ; the eldest of whom, Helen, was married to the late George Andrew, Esq., writer ; the second, Anne, continued unmarried, and resided in Perth ; the third, Janet, became the wife of Captain John Campbell of Glenfalloch ; and the fourth, Jane, was married to Archibald Campbell, Esq., for many years Lieut.-Colonel of the Royal Edinburgh Highland Volunteers. MR., or rather SIR, JOHN MORRISON, of whom the Print affords a striking likeness, was for many years a Clerk in the Excise Office.’ In early life he had been valet de chambre to Lord Charles Douglas, and was with that nobleman in Lisbon, whither he had gone for his health, when the great earthquake occurred there on the 1st November 1755.’ After the death of Lord Charles, which occurred in England the year following, Mr. Morrison obtained a situation in the Excise Office through the influence of the Queensberry family; and, by the same interest, he was placed on the roll of the Poor Knights of Windsor, from which circumstance he was generally known by the title of SIRJ OHMNO RRISON. Sir John lived in a very quiet manner, first at the Calton Hill, and latterly in one of Mr. Butter’s houses in Shakspeare Square, His salary as a clerk was only fifty pounds a year, and the gratuity from his Majesty was supposed to amount to as much more. By the good management of Mrs. Morrison, who took in boarders, the gross amount of his yearly income was fully adequate to his expenditure. They had no young family to educate and bring up, “ Miss Nancy,” as she was called, the only daughter, having passed her teens, and being capable of aiding in the management of the house. While living at the Calton . The first shock was felt a little before ten o’clock A.M. The greater portion of the city, as well 89 the shipping, was destroyed; and, according to some accounts, upwards of one hundred thousand of the inhabitants were buried in the ruins. In a letter written by one of the domestics of Lord Charles Douglas, dated Lwbon, November 8, the writer says-“ We made our escape over many dead bodies, that lay under the ruins, and some calliig for mercy and help ; but none dared stay to help them for fear of their own lives, the earth being still in motion. His lordship and all of us were saved by staying a minute under an archway. Nobody could be more careful of his lordship than good Nr. I). ; and, had it pleased God we should die, we had all gone together. His lordship had surprising strength. When the shocks were a little abated, we set out for the country, to the British Envoy’s, whose house did not fall, but was much cracked. We lay two nights in a field near the house : none of us have been in bed these five nights. We are now safe on board the Ezpedition packet.’’ In another letter, from Abrahalu Castres, Esq., his Majesty’s Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Portugal, when speaking of the dilapidated state of his own house, and the great number of countrymen who h d taken refuge with him, he says-“ I have accommodated them as well as I could under tents in my large garden, nobody but Lord Charles Douglas, who is actually on board the packet, besides our chaplain and myself, having dared hitherto to sleep in my howe since the day of our disaster.”
Volume 9 Page 47
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