Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 289 found him in a paroxysm of passion, kicking the astonished official of the taxoffice out of doors ! Mr. Cooper, who, on the death of his second wife, married a third time, had in all a family of seventeen children.’ He resided in the upper flats of the corner land, looking into the High Street and North Bridge. This property was bnilt by Mr. Cooper jointly with his friend Mr. Weddell, whose shop was on the ground floor. He died in December 1818. KO. CCLXVI. THE ARTIST UNDER EXAMINATION BY SHERIFF PRIN GL E, WITH THE PURSUERS, BELL AND RAE, SITTING BEHIND. WHEN the two preceding Etchings made their appearance, BELL and RAE were so highly incensed that they raised a prosecution against the artist, and obtained an interdict, prohibiting the publication of the Prints. While the process was pending, Kay adopted his usual method of retaliation, by publishing the “ Examination,” which represents him before the Sheriff, with the prosecutors, “black in the face” with rage, seated behind. As the truth only had been set fort,h-the fact having been established that Bell did bet and carry the waiter on his back-the parties found they could do nothing further in the matter. Mr. Innes had the good sense not to interfere. The Sheriff before whom Kay is represented as having compeared was JOHN PRINGLE, Esq., son of Robert Pringle, Esq., of Edgefield, one of the Senators of the College of Justice.’ He was admitted a member of the Faculty of Advocates in January 1763, and succeeded the late Baron Cockburn as Sheriff-Depute of Edinburgh in June 1790. In January 1794 Mr. Pringle was appointed one of the Principal Clerks of Session. This situation he held till his death, which occurred at Edinburgh on the 14th of February 1811. One of the daughters of Mr. Cooper was married to Mr. Livingaton, well known in the commercial world. He pawed advocate 4th July 1724; was appointed Sheriff-Depute of the county of Banff in 1748 ; and wan raised to the bench 20th November 1754. ’ Lord Edgefield was the son of Thomaa Pringle, W.S. He died on the 8th of April 1764. VOL 11. 2 P
Volume 9 Page 384
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