Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Street Successful beyond expectation, he shortly afterwards added to his good fortune by an alliance with a daughter of Mr. James Fergusson,’ coppersmith, one of the “well-to-do” lairds of the West Bow. She lived only to be the mother of one son. Grieved as he might be at this event, Mr. Cooper did not long remain a widower. He was then a handsome man, and found little difficulty in gaining the affections of Miss Marion Scott,’ one of three sisters who were left, with considerable fortunes, under guardians so scrupulous in the selection of suitors, that the ladies were fain to consult their own judgment, by eloping with the objects of their choice. Shortly after his second marriage, Mr. Cooper took two brothers of the name of Bruce into partnership, This arrangement, as frequently happens in similar cases, gave rise to much annoyance. The young men had formed an intimacy with Deacon Brodie, who, though then moving in a respectable sphere, was known to be a person of irregular habits ; and entertaining an aversion towards him, for which he could not well account, Mr. Cooper was resolved not to tolerate his frequent visits to the shop. An opportunity was not long sought for to lecture his young friends on their want of attention and the impropriety of their intercourse with Brodie. This brought matters to a crisis : the Bruces were not to be dictated to, and equally resolute, Mr. Cooper avowed his determination that the copartnery should cease, According to the terms of contract, the stock, which was extensive and valuable, was put up to the highest bidder, who was to find “ caution,” or surety for the price to be paid-the purchaser to retain possession of the shop. On the morning of sale Mr. Cooper found himself deserted by his proposed cautioner- the whole fell into the hands of the Messrs. Bruce-and thus he was compelled reluctantly to abandon an establishment of which he had been the originator. Fatally for themselves, the Bruces continued their intimacy with the Deacon, who, it is said, taking impressions of their keys, effected their ruin by the midnight plunder of their premises.’ When the aon and successor of this gentleman died, he left about eighteen thousand pounds to distant relatives ; which sum would have fallen to Mrs. Cooper’s son had he survived his uncle. -a The eldest sister was married to a Mr. Miller, gunsmith, with whom originated, we believe, the idea of employing mounted artillery-men in the management of field ordnance. His suggestions were first tendered (through the medium of a friend) to the British Government, but being treated with contempt, they were next communicated to the French executive, by whom the plan was at once appreciated, and instantly carried into effect. After witnessing the success of the scheme in the hands of their enemies, the British army was not allowed to remain long without the advantage of a well-disciplined corps of “flyipg artillery.” Miller did not live to tiee the triumph of hi8 project. The friend to whom he had entrusted his various plans and models, failing to interest the Government in the matter, passed over to France, where he appropriated the credit, and no doubt the profit, of the design to himself. He never retuimed to this country ; and rumour asserts that he w8s guillotined. Although it may have been projected by Brodie, the robbery was committed by his accomplice, Smith, alone, the former having refused to go at the time appointed, as he was busily engaged at play. There was no evidence of this robbery except the roluntary declaration of Smith. Sea Mernoir of Deaeon Brodie in the first volume.
Volume 9 Page 380
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