Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


274 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. The peace, however, which had brought them this happy relaxation was not of long duration. The regiment marched to England next year5 and in 1805 ‘embarked for Gibraltar. From thence removed to Portugal, it served in the memorable campaign under Sir John Moore in 1808 ; next in the fatal expedition to Walcheren ; and returned for a short time to Scotland in 1810. From England, in 1812, the 42d Regiment again embarked for Portugal; and, joining the army of the Duke of Wellington immediately after the capt,ure of Badajoz, was consolidated with the second battalion of the corps, which had been two years previously in the Peninsula. The share of the united corps in the engagements which followed from that period till the short peace in 1814 is too well known to require repetition. The gallant band then returned to Ireland, but speedily re-embarked for Flanders, where, as every one knows, it was present at the decisive fields of Quatre Bras and .Waterloo. The glory there acquired by the various Scots regiments is matter of history, and interwoven with many a (‘tale of Waterloo.” The warm reception with which the Royal Highlanders were greeted on their return to England, after the peace of Paris; at once demonstrated how their conduct was appreciated by our neighbours of the south ; and in Edinburgh, where they arrived in the spring of 1816, their welcome was most enthusiastic. The following account of their reception is interesting :- “Arrival of the 42d Beyi~neati n Edidury?b.-h the 19th and 20th March the 42d Rcgiment marched in two divisions into Edinburgh Castle from Haddington. Colonel Dick rode at the head of the first division, accompanied by I\lajor General Hope, of the North British Staff, and Colonel David Stewart of Garth,’ who formerly belonged to the regiment, and who was wounded under their colours in Egypt. Nothing could exceed the enthusiasm with which these gallant veterans were welcomed in every town and village through which their route lay. Early on the 19th vast crowds were collected on the streets of this city, in expectation of their arrival. The road as far as Musselburgh was crowded with people ; and as they approached the city, so much was their progress impeded by the multitude, that their march from Piershill to the Castle (less than two miles) occupied nearly two hours. House-tops and windows were also crowded with spectaiors ; and as they passed along the streets, amidst the ringing of bells, waying of flags, and the acclamations of thousands, their red and white plumes, tattered colours (emblems of their well-earned fame in fight), and glittering bayonets, were all that could be seen of these heroes, except by the few who were fortunate in obtaining elevated situations. The scene, viewed from the windows and house-tops, was the most extraordinary ever witnessed in this city. The crowds were wedged together across the whole breadth of the street, and extended in length as far as the eye could reach ; and this motley throng appeared to move like a solid body, slowly along, till the gallant Highlanders were safely lodged in the Castle.” The non-commissioned officers and privates were sumptuously entertained at dinner in the evening in the Assembly Rooms. Sir Walter Scott was amongst the gentlemen who superintended the entertainment. Each soldier was also presented with a free ticket to the Theatre. The 78th, ‘( another of our gallant Scots regiments,” having arrived in Edinburgh a few days after, a splendid fkte, in “honour of the heroes,” was given in.Corri’s Rooms, on the Author of the “Sketches of the Character, Manners, and present state of the Highlanders of Scotland ; with details of the Military Service of the Highland Regiments.” Afterwards Governor of St. Lucie, where he died.
Volume 9 Page 364
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