Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


Volume 9 Page 338
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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 255 that it never will be drawn by you, but to support that constitution which has rendered thii country great and powerful, and its inhabitants free and happy. “ I shall detain you no longer from the duties of the day, than by wishing that every gift, such as the present, may be equally well merited, and bestowed with an equal degree of sincerity and pleasure, as that which I have now the honour to put into your hands. In reply, the Lieut.-Colonel said- “ I shall not make use of the commou profession of wanting words to express my feelings on this occasion. I am much more afraid that I do not, and that I never cad feel as I ought towards this regiment. But whatever may be the de,me of my feelings, I hope you are well convinced that it does not require any excitement of this kind to call them forth ; and I can, with truth, assure you, that without such expensive proofs as this, I am well satisfied of the place I hold in the regard and affections of this regiment. “ With respect to the present you have now made me, I hope and trust, for the sake of our country, that I may never have occasion to me it but on occasions such a9 this, of parade and rejoicing ; but if against the enemies of our King and country, I have only to pray that I may be enabled to behave as becomes the commander of such a regiment.” The military services of the Lord President did not terminate with the disbanding of the Volunteers in 1814. The regiment having been embodied for the third time, during the political disturbances of 1819, his lordship was again at their head, and daily inspected them while doing duty in the Castle, in the m m of the regular troops, all of whom were sent to the West country, where the disaKection chiefly prevailed. The Lord President married, in 1793, Lady Charlotte Hope, eighth daughter of John second Earl of Hopetonn, by whom he had a numerous family, He retired from the bench in 1841, and was succeeded by the Right Hon. David Boyle. His eldest son, John Hope, Esq., was appainted in 1841 Lord Justice- Clerk. THE No. CCLV. RIGHT HON. WILLIAM PITT. THIS Portrait of the “Pilot who weathered the storm” is one of the few likenesses taken by Kay while in London in 1800. The name of the Right Hon. WILLIAM PITT is indissolubly associated with an important epoch in the political history of this country. Our readers are aware that he was the son of the first Earl of Chatham; that under the vigilant superintendence of his illustrious parent, the genius of the future Premier was early matured; and that he first entered the House of Commons as one of the nominees of Sir James Lowther, where he soon distinguished himself by those capabilities, as 8 firm and eloquent debater, which afterwards enabled him to beat down one of the most formidable oppositions ever arrayed against a Cabinet. . It was the peculiar fortune of Pitt to be called to the helm of affairs, when, at the conclusion of the American War of Independence, Britain laboured under
Volume 9 Page 339
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