Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


254 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. The Society of Writers to the Signet requested his lordship to allow his portrait to be painted for the Society; and the picture, as painted by Mr. Watson Gordon, in the robes of Justice General, is now hung in the staircase of the library. No. CCLIV. RIGHT HON. CHARLES HOPE, LIEUT.-COLONEL, COMMANDING THE EDINBURGH VOLUNTEERS. WHEN the warlike spirit of the country was roused by the menacing attitude of “haughty Gaul,” no one stepped forward in her defence with greater alacrity than Lord President Hope, who was then Sheriff of Orkney. He enrolled himself as one of the First Regiment of Royal Edinburgh Volunteers, and served in it as a private and Captain of the Left Grenadiers till 1801, when, by the unanimous recommendation of the corps, he was appointed Lieut.-Colonel. From that period, with the exception of one year, when the corps was disbanded at the peace of Amiens in 1802, he continued in command until the regiment was again disembodied in 18 14. His lordship did much to improve the discipline, and animate the zeal of. the Volunteers. While he personally set an example of unweaiied exertion, his speeches on particular occasions, and his correspondence with the Commander-in-Chief, breathed a patriotism not less pure than hearty in the common cause. ‘(We did not take up arms to please any minister or set of ministers,” is his declaration on one occasion, “but to defend our native land from foreign and domestic enemies.” On the King’s birthday, 1807, the Volunteers paid a handsome compliment to their commander, Previous to the grand military parade in honour of his Majesty, the regiment having been formed into a hollow square, Thomas Martin Esq., sergeant of grenadiers, in name of the non-commissioned officers and privates, presented him with a valuable sword, of superb and exquisite workmanship, as a testimony of their regard for him as an officer and a gentleman ; and for his great attention in promoting the discipline and welfare of the regiment. Mr, Martin addressed the Lieut.-Colonel in the following words :- “ I am deputed to deliver you a sword, as a small mark of the sincere regard and high esteem entertained for you by your fellow-soldiers of the regiment. “ It is now upwards of thirteen years since an alarming and eventful crisis gave birth to the volunteer system. On that occasion this regiment was among the first to step forward in defence of our King and country. We recollect with pleasure your serving in the ranks ; and, by your exemplary attention, affording an instructive and impressive lesson of the first duties of a soldier. When afterwards called, by the unanimous voice of your associates, to command us, we found your abilities as an officer not less conspicuous than yonr conduct as a private. In both capacities you have earned the meed dearest to a mind such as yours, the gratitude and affection of your fellow-citizens. ‘‘ I consider it a happy coincidence, that the first opportunity which has occurred for presenting this sword should be the birthday of our beloved Sovereign. In putting it into your hands, we add an additional safeguard to his sacred person and throne, while we feel assured
Volume 9 Page 336
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