Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


232 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. intention, and desiring to know whether she would have him. The girl, in astonishment, exclaimed that she could never think of such a thing; and declared, if that was his object, never to show his face again. Little versed in courtship, Andrew bowed submissive to the first rebuff, remarking, as he dolorously departed--“ l%e Lord’s will be done !” It was probably about the same period that Andrew made a second attempt to form a matrimonial alliance; but in this instance he was resolved not to trust his suit to the decision of the fair one herself. To her father, who was reputed to be in easy circumstances, and who had been a sincere friend to Andrew, he accordingly made known his intention of taking unto himself a wife, adding, that he thought his daughter would make a suitable companion. ‘( But,” said his friend, how should you think of a wife, Andrew ? you have not wherewith to maintain her.” ‘( Oh, dear,” replied the simple-minded suitor ; (‘ that’s nothing-you have plenty !” This explanation, however candid, failed to give satisfaction ; and Andrew found it necessary, as on many former occasions, to yield to fate with his usual equanimity. When Kay published his likeness, it was universally admired for its fidelity. A friend talking of the picture in the hearing of Andrew, and greatly commending the exactness of the resemblance, the latter advanced, and smoothing down his beard, a8 his custom was, replied--“Ay; but I present you with the living picture.” The closing years of this singular person’s life were passed at Dunfermline, where he resided with a nephew. He died at an advanced age ; and his remains are interred in the parish churchyard. The stone erected to his memory contains the following inscription :-cr Here lies Andrew Donaldson, a good scholar and sincere Christian, who died June 21, 1793, aged eighty.” No. CCXLVIII. “ PETTICOAT GOVERNMENT.” THE appearance of this Print in 1795, at the time the Breadalbane Fencibles were stationed in Edinburgh, created no small sensation among the fair portion of the higher circles. Though unaccompanied by any other explanation than what is given on the Engraving, the parties represented were generally supposed to be Lord and Lady Breadalbane. To “rule a wife and have a wife,” is a difficulty of old experience with the lords of the creation ; but whether the Marquis was more or less fortunate in this respect than most other family men is a query which, were all good husbands brought to the confessional, would admit, of a very doubtful solution. The Etching, we believe, originated in no
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