Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


228 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. he would walk about the streets of Dunfermline, declaring that he was sent to “rule the nations with a rod of iron.” Abhorring every one who had even the appearance of making “gain of godliness,” he one day, in his magisterial wanderings, observed a “ causeway preacher ” in the act of sermonising for the sake of the few halfpence which might be thrown into his hat, which, for the purpose of receiving the gifts, lay open before him. Andrew’s ire was kindled at the exhibition ; he stepped forward, repeating in a solemn tone-“ Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel ; ” and, suiting the action to the words, with one blow of his iron Tod he felled the unlucky propounder of the Gospel to the ground. For this breach of the peace, the only one he was ever known to commit, Andrew was imprisoned in the jail of the burgh, from which he was in a short time liberated on bail. In after life he often referred to his incarceration, remarking, in ridicule of the circumstance, that ‘I such a place was more likely to make a wise man mad, than to cure the frenzy of a madman, which the magistrates in error thought he was.” Andrew was undoubtedly an excellent scholar ; and, on relinquishing the Grammar School of Dunfermline, he came to Edinburgh, giving himself out as a private teacher of Greek and Hebrew. Although well qualified to act in this capacity, it was not to be supposed, from the state of his mind, that his employment would be extensive, or that he was capable of pursuing any vocation with the necessary application and perseverance. A small circle of friends-of whom the late Mr. William Anderson, ironmonger, foot of West Bow, was one-who were pleased with the simplicity of his manners, contributed the moderate sum required for his subsistence.‘ But acting upon the Scripture injunction, that “if any would not work, neither should he eat,” Andrew, with honourable independence of mind, refused all gratuitous aid. Either professionally as a teacher, or in any other way he could be serviceable, he always insisted on rendering an equivalent , His peculiarly conscientious idea of independence occasionally placed him in circumstances somewhat ridiculous ; and his scruples against eating when he did not work were frequently carried so far as to threaten starvation. His objections were only to be overcome by his friends suggesting the performance of some trifling piece of labour, such as bringing a “rake ” or two of water from the well, or arranging the goods on the shelves of the sale shop, Having applied a salve to his conscience in this way, he would then sit down to dinner, But even this device ceased to be effective, some of the young wags persuading him that such labour was unprofitable, and tended only to indulge the indolence of the housemaid or shopboy. Thus driven to extremities, and effectually to appease the phantom by which he was pursued, Andrew at one time hired himself as a labourer to a master builder ; and what further proved the disinterested nature and purity of his motives, as he had q competency, his revibnt in England. Latterly he was chiefly supported by the remittances of a distant relative, a medical gentleman
Volume 9 Page 304
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