Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 223 'No. CCXLV. REV. DR. JOHN COLQUHOUN, OF THE CHAPEL OF EASE (NOW ST. JOHN'S CHURCH) LEITH.' DR. COLQUHOUwNa s the son of a small farmer on the estate of Sir James Colquhoun, Bart. of Luss, Dumbartonshire, where he was born on the first of January 1748. He received the rudiments of education at a neighbouring school under the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge in Scotland ; and, as an instance of his early thirst for religious information, it is related that a perusal of Boston's Fourfold State having been recommended to him by his teacher, he travelled to Glasgow, a distance of nearly fifty miles going and returning, in order to procure a copy of the work. Manifesting a decided inclination for the ministerial office, and having made some progress in the Latin tongue, he became a student at the University of Glasgow about the year 1768. Here he continued to prosecute his studies in the languages, in philosophy, and in theology, for the greater part of ten years. He then repaired to Edinburgh, attended the University for a season ; and returning to Glasgow, waa licensed by the Presbytery of that district early in August 1780. A vacancy having about this time occurred in the New Church or Chapel, South Leith, Dr. Colquhoun received a call to be its pastor, and was ordained on the aid of March 1781. From that period, throughout the greater part of half a eentury, he continued to discharge the duties of his office with distinguished zeal; and, until within a few years of his death, with the happiest results to a respectable and numerous congregation. Taking little part in, and almost unconscious of what was going on in the world around him, his time was exclusively devoted to study and to his pastoral cares, seldom if ever absenting himself from his charge, save when called away to aid in the sacramental dispensations of his brethren. To the young, especially such as were desirous of communicating, he afforded ample instruction by his monthly meetings for that purpose ; and not the least interesting and salutary portion of his labours were the weekly conversations held on the Friday evenings at his own house. The Chapel (built by subscription) waa opened for public worship on Sabbath, the 12th of December 1773, and continued to be regularly supplied by ministers and preachers in connection with the Church of Scotland. In November 1775, the Rev. Mr. Burnside, having been elected by the %stew, members of the congregation, heads of families, and renters of seats, waa regnlarly ordained as minister of the Chapel, by the presbytery of Edinburgh.-Mm~ of tha Munagerk Mr, Burnside was translated to Dumfries in 1780. A ea11 was then given to the Rev. Walter Buchanan (late of the Cauongate), which waa at first accepted, but afterwards declined, in consequence of an invitation to Stirling. nr. Colquhoun was thereafter chosen.
Volume 9 Page 297
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