Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


21 6 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. be imagined. The contemplated journey was postponed sine die; and M’Kellar internally resolved to make sure, before giving a second invitation, that his spouse had actually crossed the ferry f Happening to be at Leith one day, where his fame as a golfer was not unknown, MKellar got into conversation in the club-maker’s shop with a number of glass-blowers, who were blowing very much about their science in the game of golf. After bantering him for some time to engage in a trial of skill, a young man from Bruntsfield Links opportunely made his appearance. “By gracious, gentlemen ! ” exclaimed M‘Kellar, whose. spirit was roused ; “ here’s a boy and I will play you for a guinea ! ” No sooner said than a match of three games was begun, in all of which the glass-blowers were defeated. The I‘ Cock 0’ the Green ” was triumphant ; and, not waiting till the bet had been forthcoming, he ran to the shop of the club-maker, announcing the joyful intelligence -“ By gracious, gentlemen, the old man and the boy have beat them off the green ! ” By way of occupying his time profitably on the seveiatk-the only day in the week he could think of employing otherwise than in his favourite amusement- M‘Kellar was in the habit of acting as door-keeper to an Episcopalian Chapel. On entering one day, old Mr. Douglas Gourlay, club and ball maker at Bruntsfield, jocularly placed a golf ball in the plate, in lieu of his usual donation of coppers. As anticipated, the prize was instantaneously secured by M‘IZellar, who was not more astonished than gratified by the novelty of the deposit. It was at the suggestion of the late Mr. M‘Ewan and Mr. Gourlay that Kay produced the Etching of the “Cock 0’ the Green.” Going out purposely to the Links, the artist found him engaged at his usual pastime, and succeeded in taking an accurate and characteristic likeness. When informed what Kay had been doing, M‘Kellar seemed highly pleased. I‘ What a pity,” said he ; I‘ by gracious, had I known, I would have shown him some of my capers ! ” Although then pretty far advanced in life, M’Kellar continued to maintain his title of the ‘ I Cock 0’ the Green ” for a considerable time, The Print was executed in 1803. He died about the year 18 12. No. CCXLIII. LORD POLKEMMET. WILLIAMB AILLIEof Polkemmet,’ descended from an ancient family of Linlithgowshire, was the eldest son of Thomas Baillie, W.S. He was educated for the bar, and passed advocate in 1758. He acted as Sheriff-Depute of the before-men- According to Sibbald, in his “History of Linlithgowshire,” the seat of the Baillies w a originally termed U Paukommot.”
Volume 9 Page 287
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