Until within a few weeks of his death he enjoyed uninterrupted good
health-possessed a happy, cheerful temper-and was a universal favourite.
Wherever he travelled, his place by the “ farmer’s ingle ” was readily conceded j
and all were delighted with his tales of the ‘( olden time,” while, by joining in
the song and in the dance-notwithstanding his years-he contributed in no
common degree to the mirth of the younger members of the domestic circle.
About twelve years before his death, Old John entirely lost his sight ; but what
is rather remarkable, he speedily regained it ; and to the last, his vision, as well
’as his recollection, continued vigorous. He was twice married, and had twentyeight
children registered on the record of baptisms.’ To his second wife, who
survived him, he had been united upwards of sixty years.
From the artful arrangement of the inscription on the Print, it will naturally
occur to tthe reader that the title-
however worthy of such a distinction Old John may have been-was meant to
satirise an individual in a much higher station in society. The Etching bears to
have been published in 1805, shortly after the Police Act for the city of Edinburgh
came into operation, when JOHTNA IT,E sq., W.S., was appointed JUDGE
OF THE COVRTj and to this gentleman the inscription evidently applies.
Prior to this period, the guardianship of the city was entirely in the hands of
the Town Guard, who were then disbanded, with the exception of a small body,
retained for a limited and special purpose. A Board of Police was institutedthe
extent of jurisdiction defined-the duties of the Commissioners and other
officials explained-and the Judge of the Court was empowered, under certain
limitations, to fine and imprison the offending lieges, without the interference of
a Magistrate, as under the old system.
As the opening of the Court of Police, on the 15th July 1805, was an event
of considerable importance at the time, and conducted with an unusual degree
of “ pomp and circumstance,” the following account of the proceedings may
not be uninteresting to our readers :-
“ On Monday, July 15, at twelve o’clock, the Right Hon. the Lord Provost and Magistrates
in their robes, the Sheriff of the county, the Member for the city, and the Commissioners of
Police, met in the Parliament House, when John Tait, Esq., delivered his commission as Judge
of Police, and was sworn in ; after m-hich they walked in procession to the Police Office, the
military and city-guard lining the streets. The Judge of Police was invested in the robe and
insignia of office, and supported on his right hand by the Rev. Sir Henry Moncreiff, Bart., and
on his left, by Sir William Forbes, Bart. (who had been chairman of the committee of citizens
who originally met to frame the bill).
“After they arrived at the Court of Police, the Rev. Sir Henry Moncrieff, Bart. (one of the
Commissioners) consecrated the institution in a very eloquent, impressive, and appropriate
prayer. The Lord Provost then desired Mr. Tait to take his seat as Judge of Police, which he
clid. The Lord Provost then addressed him in the following speech :-
His own account of it was, that he had had twenty-eight children who mfered baptism.