Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


Volume 9 Page 10
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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 9 filled up with great alacrity ; and, in a ve y short time, a foundation of whins and furze was laid with mock-masonic ceremony. When this had been done, the subscribers adjourned to the ‘I Hotel,” where they chose a preseq treasurer, and secretary, and appointed a committee to superintend the work.’ Provost Grieve, who resided in Princes Street, took a deep interest in the undertaking; and when Convener Jamieson, in order to fill up a quar y which he had opened opposite Hanover Street, obtained authority from the Magistrates to have the excavations of the numerous buildings then going on laid down there, the order was continued until the Mound was entirely formed.’ The “ Mud Brig” having been thus constructed without much interference or exertion on the part of the Committee of Burgh Reformers, a meeting was called, and a state of their accounts laid before them, from which it appeared that a considerable balance of cash remained in the treasurer’s hands. With this sum it was resolved the Committee should celebrate the completion of the Mound by a dinner in “ Dunn’s Hotel;” and it was proposed that, as they were the first to commence the undertaking, so they should have the honour of being the first to drive along the ridge on its being opened to the public. It was therefore determined that a coach-and-six should be hired for the occasion, to carry their wives and sweethearts, while the patriotic band should walk in procession. This scheme unexpectedly proved abortive : their treasurer, Mr. Brown, becoming bankrupt, and absconding with the funds, effectually put a stop to the contemplated pageant. The disappointment which such an occurrence occasioned may be “ better conceived than described.” The affair could not be concealed ; and, as it gave rise to much sarcastic observation, was altogether too rich a subject to escape the pencil of the caricaturist. Fortunately very little of the subscription-money was required. The “ PEli~int, or a Visit to ttja flub. Brig,” therefore, stands a satirical memorial of an event which should have taken place. The figure in advance of the procession will at once be recognised as the well-known BAILIE DUFF. The Bailie is represented with the “ quaigh ” of the Club in his hand-from which the members drained many a. long draught-and the small tartan flag over his shoulder, which used to be displayed 1 The subscribers to this fund were privileged according to the amount of their subscriptions. Those of ten shillings were permitted to expresa their opinions. but those of five were only entitled to vote. At one of the first meetings held on the subject, David Finlay, haidreaser, St. James’s Court-who w8s by no means famed for the brilliancy of his intellectpmped that they should form a mound from the Lawnmarket to the Calton Hill I His motion was received with shouts of laughter. “Hoot man,’’ replied another, “ Do ye no ken he’s president 0’ the Hacerd Club I “+one of the well-known social clubs of the LawnmarketJ * The Mound was originally thrown considerably eastward of Hanover Street. This deviation from the straight line was tu gratify Provost Grieve, whose house was directly opposita The irregularity is now obviated. “He’s surely havering,” said one of the membem VOL II. C
Volume 9 Page 11
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