Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 7 all the officers on the expedition that they did not wear their swords on account of the excessive heat, but carried bayonets instead; and, to account for its being found drawn, he asserted that it was so loose that it had fallen out during the rencontre. He contended that the swords differed only in the mountinghis own being a broadsword. Respecting the wounds, he declared that the four on the arm and hand were given on Macharg’s repeated endeavours to seize his sword; and he contended that the Captain’s sword being found near the body, and the scabbard in the tent-its being bloody, and his (the Major’s) clothes being cut-his hand wounded, and the guard of his sword brokenproved that Macharg was armed for his defence. He also endeavoured to prove by a witness that the Captain followed him voluntarily out of the tent with his sword drawn. “10th ApnZ 1762.-The Court, on due consideration of the whole matter before them, are of opinion that Major-Commandant Colin Campbell is guilty of the crime laid to his charge ; hut there not being a majority of voices sufticient to punish with death, as required by the articles of war, the Court doth adjudge the said Major-Commandant Colin Campbell to he cashiered for the same : and it is further the opinion of the Court, that he is incapable of serving his Majesg in any military eniployment whatever. ” This sentence was con’firmed by his Majesty ; and the Major was cashiered. On his return to England, he presented a memorial to the Secretary of War, bitterly inveighing against General Monckton, who commanded in the Island of Martinico, and charging him with numerous instances of abuse of power. A court-martial was in consequence held at the Judge-Advocate’s Office in 1764 ; but the General was honourably acquitted. An action for assythment was subsequently brought before the Court of Session against Major Campbell, at the instance of James Macharg of Keirs, father, and Quintin and Isobel Macharg, the brother and sister of the deceased Captain. The Court having found Kilberry liable in damages, February 4, 1767, he lodged a reclaiming petition, which gave rise to further discussion. On the 29th of July following, their lordships, by a majority of eight to six, confirmed their former judgment. Ultimately the damages were fixed at i200. Major Campbell resided principally in Edinburgh, where he attracted notice by his foppery. The Print gives an excellent representation of his figure and style of dress.’ This foible rather increased than diminished as he advanced in life ; and when age had rendered him bald, he wore a wig in imitation of his own hair, which he powdered and perfumed after the most approved manner. He was a devoted admirer of the fair sex, over whom his conquests were innumerable- at least so he insinuated. In appearance,address, and mode of speaking, he was a sort of Lord Ogleby. He repaired almost every summer to Buxton, and other fashionable watering-places, that he might have an opportunity of extending his conquests. He was never married; and, on his death, which occurred at Edinburgh in 1782, his estate of Kilberry descended to his nephew. The following was the sentence of the court-martial :- The Major WBS short and rather dumpy. His brother, who obtained the rank of Major-Genera4 and died of the yellow fever in the West India, was a tall, handsome man, and one of the best officen in the army.
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