Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 5 how much was “ to pay,”-“ Whe, gentlemen, let me see,” he would say, casting an eye towards the shelf; “nine bottles (or whatever the number might be) ; ye’ve dune no amiss the nicht.” John was frequently puzzled, however, by the company placing some of the bottles under the thble, or otherwise concealing them ; yet he never expressed any displeasure at such jokes. Mr. Dowie ultimately scraped together a fortune of about six thousand pounds. He lived’till 1817 ; and to the last continued to wear a cocked hat -the honoured badge of former times-although he latterly dispensed with the use of knee and shoe buckles. He was twice married, and had several children by his first wife. His son entered the army, and attained the rank of Captain. The successor of Johnnie Dowie continued to keep the house open, under the designation of “Burns’s Tavern,” until the demolition of the Wynd in 1834. The premises had been considerably repaired and improved, and were lighted with gas. The little room called the c@m, in which Burns used to sit, was covered with green cloth, and fitted up with a new table. No. CLXXII. COLIN CAMPBELL, ESQ. OB’ KILBERRY, ARGYLESHIRE. IN his earlier years this antiquated beau had been in the army, where he acquired an unenviable notoriety in consequence of a fatal assault committed by him on a brother officer, Captain John Macharg (eldest son of James Macharg of Keirs), while stationed at the Island of Martinico, in the year 1763. Campbell was then Major-Commandant of the 100th Regiment of Foot. The cause of difference is said to have originated at Jersey, where the corps lay prior to their embarkation for Martinico, and to have been owing to pecuniary dificulties, in which Captain Macharg had involved himself, and which were so formidable that Major Campbell, by the advice of his superior officer, was compelled to take the payment of his company entirely out of his hands-a proceeding which gave great offence to Macharg. Upon the arrival of the regiment in Martinico, Captain Macharg is reported to have taken every opportunity of vilifying the Major, which procedure having reached the ears of the latter, he was naturally very much provoked, and immediately despatched the following card to his defamer :- “SIB,-~ am this moment informed that, on some occasions since our arrival here, you have taken liberties with my character, unbecoming a gentleman. I desire an immediate and explicit answer, per bearer ; and am, t i i then, your humble servant, c. CAMPBELL.”
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