Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


Volume 9 Page 108
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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 81 these he gave full play to a natural gaiety of spirit, which rendered his company quite delightful. Dr. Hamilton’s habits were active ; he adhered to the good old custom of early rising, and took part in all the invigorating exercises in vogue. Archery, golfing, skating, bowling, curling, and even swimming, had then, as now, each their respective clubs. In several kindred professional associations he acted as secretary ; and the conviviality of these meetings were mainly kept up by him and old Dr. Duncan for nearly half-a-century. A well-regulated mind brought with it the almost never-failing accompaniment of a disposition not only to enjoy, but to communicate amusement ; and these occasions served to call forth in Dr. Hamilton what is best known by the name of fu-a faculty which he possessed in no common degree.’ An instance of this may be given, with which we shall conclude our sketch. At an early period of his career, he was condoling with a contemporary (the late Dr. Yule) on the patience which they were mutually called to exercise in waiting for professional advancement- “ But you,” says he, “ labour under a peculiar disadvantage.” ‘‘ How so ? ” replies the astonished Doctor. “0,” rejoins our friend, “ do you not see that every one will say, a green. Yule makes a f a t kirkyard.” He latterly, and for many years, resided in St. Andrew Square, next door to his namesake Dr. James Hamilton junior. Dr. Hamilton died in 1835. KO. CXCIX. MR. ’CVILLIAM MASON, SECRETARY TO THE GRAND LODGE. THIS Etching is allowed, by those who recollect the “ Grand Secretary,” to be a capital caricature. Like his friend the “Grand Clerk,” MR. MASON was a writer and an assistant extractor in the Court of Session, which situation he obtained in 1778. His masonic duties he performed with great credit for many years. It was the province of the Secretary and Clerk to attend the Grand Master in his visitations to the lodges-a species of service which accorded well with their social habits ; and, notwithstanding the ridiculous mistake about the sow,S a warm friendship continued to exist betwixt the portly officials. The Grand Secretary was a person of quaint humour, and relished a joke. He was one day on the Castle Hill, where a crowd had assembled to witness an The genuine kindness of Dr. Hamilton’s disposition is well illustrated by the concluding distich of an impromptu, which waa sung by an associate at one of their convivial meetings :- “ ’Twas Andrew the lnerry and Jamie the good, This anecdote is related in the Sketch of the “ Grand Clerk,” see First Volume. VOL. 11. M In 8 hackney coach had ta’en hame Sandy Wood. “
Volume 9 Page 109
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