Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


B I0 GR AP II I C AL S KETCH E S. lost. In 1773 he was presented with the freedom of the burgh of Kirkcudbright, for his active exertions in cmducting certain transactions for the interest of that community. Finding himself unsuccessful at Borrowstounness, he proceeded to Ireland; but after a stay of little more than two years there he returned to Leith, where he was again doomed to misfortune through unlucky speculations. Instead, however, of indulging in unavailing regrets, he quickly set about repairing his broken fortune, by commencing the world anew as a broker and merchant. In this line his exertions were crowned with such a measure of success, that he was latterly enabled to retire altogether from business. Mr. Grinly was short in stature, but active-always well dressed, and particularly smart in his appearance. From a peculiar rotundity of body, and a strange habit of throwing out his legs and arms in walking, he obtained the soubriquet of the Spread Eagle.”’ Notwithstanding his somewhat grotesque rotundity of shape, it was a weakness of Mr. Grinly to believe himself possessed of a handsome figure. His vanity in this respect almost exceeds credulity. It is said that on a particular occasion he was seen elevated on some logs of wood at the shore of Leith, surrounded by a band of porters, whose adulation the broker’s patronage in the way of employment was sufficient to insure. One of them, however, had independence enough to declare his opinion, that ‘‘ the Doctor ”’ was at least nearly as handsome ’as himself. “ If I thought there was a better made man in Leith,” said Grinly, apparently highly offended, ‘‘ I would go hang myself ! ” The consequential manner of Mr. Grinly, as well as his attempts at wit, afforded much amusement to his friends. Having been cited to give evidence in an action against the Hull Shipping Company, for non-delivery of goods, it is said he took his place in the witnesses-box with, an air as if about to bring the whole bench to the hammer ! After the customary forms, the usual questions were put to him :-“Your name is William Grinly 1’’ “It is, my Lord.” “You are a merchant in Leith?” “I am not, my Lord”-in a tone and gesture that attracted all eyes. “YOU are here set down merchant in Leith.” “My Lord,” said Grinly, archly smiling as he made use of the legal phrase, “ that is quite a misnomer !” The involuntary peal of laughter which followed, and in which the Court heartily joined, Grinly politely acknowledged by a low obeisance, and complacently resumed his position, The auctioneer was at no loss for invention when hard pressed by circumstances. He had been summoned to serve as a juryman, but unfortunately on a day fixed for a very extensive sale of sugars by the Messrs. Sibbald, at which he was to be professionally engaged. Grinly felt awkwardly situated-to lose the This name wai given him by a merchant in Leith, who had similar appellations for a great many of his neighbours. The affairs of this person getting into disorder, the creditors, on examining his books, were puzzled what to make of them, several entries appearing against “Spice-box,” “ Clock-case,” “ Sow’s-tail ” and other ridiculous designations. The title of “The Doctor,” we believe, WBS applied to this gentleman in consequence of his having attended medical classes in his youth, and giving gratis advice to the poor, accompanied frequently with money to purchase medicines.
Volume 9 Page 102
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