‘‘ Wi’ looks as mild BS mild can be,
An’ smudgin’ laugh, wi’ winkin’ e’e ;
An’ lowly bow down to his knee,
Whe, gentlemen, stay t i i I see,
He’ll say fu’ douce,
What’s i’ the house.
‘‘ Anither bow-‘ Deed, gif ye please,
Ye can get a bit toasted cheese,
A crum 0’ tripe, ham, dish 0’ pease,
An egg, or, cauler frae the seaa,
(The season fittin’,)
A fleuk or whitin’ ;
A nice beef-steak, or ye may get
A gude buffd herring, reisted skate,
An’ ingans, an’ (tho’ past its date),
A cut 0’ veal ;
Ha, ha, it’s no that unco late,
I’ll do it weel.’
I‘ 0, Geordie Robertson, dreigh loun,
An’ antiquarian Paton aoun’,
Wi’ mony ithers i’ the tom,
Gif Johmie Dowie should stap down,
What wad come o’er ye,
To the grave before ye 1
I‘ Ye sure wad break your hearts wi’ grief,
An’ in strong ale find nae relief,
War ye to lose your Dowie-chief
Three years at least, now, to be brief,
0’ bottle-keepers ;
Ye’d gang wi’ weepera
“ But, gude forbid I for your sakes a’,
That sic a useful man should fa’ ;
For, fried8 0’ mine, between us twa,
You’d lose a howff, baith warm an braw,
Right i’ your lug,
An‘ unco snug.
“ Then, pray for’s health this mony year,
Fresh three-’n-a-ha’penny, best 0’ beer,’
That can (tho’ dull) you brawly cheer-
An’ gar you a’ forget your wear-
Recant you weel up ;
Your sorrows seal up. ”
To this poetical description of “dainty John,” we may add the prose
remarks of the Trultitions:--“Be was the sleekest and kindest of landlords.
Nothing could equal the benignity of his smile, when he brought in a bottle of
ale to a company of well-known and friendly customers j and it was a perfect
1 John’# best ale was only threepence the bottle. He had an infenor kind at twopence-half-
?my. When ordered to bring a bottle, he generally inquired if his customer wished the
tippenny-ha’penny or the threepenny kind’’