Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 75 his neck. He had, however, contracted (which the Print does give) an inveterate habit of stooping, which was rather injurious to his general aspect. In convivial society, especially when at the head of his own hospitable table, he was much disposed to be jocular, and was liberal of his store of pithy sayings and droll stories. In particular, he highly enjoyed the meetings of the well-known Poker Club, of which he was a member, along with his brother, and to which belonged at that time, Patrick Lord Elibank, Lord Ellioch, Dr. Adam Smith, Drs. Cullen, Black, and Gregory, Dr. Adam Fergusson, Old Ambassador Keith, Sir Gilbert Elliot, and many others ; some of them men of letters, others, persons of high birth, or eminent in public life. John Home was extremely regular and methodical in all his habits, punctual to his time in whatever he had to do, and not very tolerant with those who failed in this (as he rightly thought it) important article. It could not be truly affirmed that he was of an equally calm and placid temperament as his brother, the philosopher ; but the brothers entertained the most cordial affection for each other, and continued in constant habits of kind intercourse and mutual good offices to the end of their lives. Under the historian's will, the principal part of his effects went to his brother, who survived him. John Home died at Ninewells, on the 14th of November 1786, after a short illness, and in great composure of mind. He was interred in the family vault, under his parish church at Chirnside. He had always been on friendly terms with the good and worthy pastor of that parish, Dr. Walter Anderson, whom indeed no one could dislike, who valued simplicity and mildness of character, or felt the importance of the due discharge of all the duties of that holy office. By his marriage to Agnes Carre, John Home, who survived her, had eight children, of whom three sons, .Joseph, David, and John, and two daughters, Catherine and Agnes, survived him.' Joseph, when a young man, served as Captain in the Queen's Bays or 2d Dragoon Guards. He afterwards resided as a country gentleman, at Ninewells, where he died on the 14th of February 1832, unmarried, and at the advanced age of eighty-one. David was an advocate at the Scottish bar, and held successively the offices of Sheriff-Depute of Berwickshire, Sheriff-Depute of West Lothian, Professor of the Law of Scotland in the University of Edinburgh, one of the Principal Clerks to the Court of Session, and one of the Barons of the Court of Exchequer for Scotland; from which office he retired, on the statutory allowance, in February 1834. John was a man of great worth and good parts j and nature had gifted him with no small share of genuine pleasantry and humour, which were combined with a generous and an affectionate disposition. In the earlier part of his life, he did business with much credit, in Edinburgh, as a Writer to the Signet. In his latter years he gave up practice there, and took up his residence at Ninewells, with his eldest brother, the laird, who committed to him the chief or rather the entire charge of the management of his affairs, and the improvement of his estate. They carried into execution sundry judicious projects of draining, enclosure, and "he other three children, namely, Robed, Helen, and Agatha, died in infancy or early youth.
Volume 9 Page 99
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