Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


56 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. long course of years, accumulated a variety of facts in support of his theory,- having undertaken journeys not only through Scotland, but also through England and Wales, and different parts of the continent of Europe. In the same volume he published another paper, entitled, “A Theory of Rain.” This theory met with a vigorous opposition from M. de Luc, and became a subject of controversy, which was conducted with much warmth. In 1792 he published “Dissertations on different subjects in Natural Philosophy,” in which his theory for explaining the phenomena of the material world seems to coincide very closely with that of Boscovich, though there is no reason to suppose that the former was suggested by the latter. Dr. Hutton next turned his attention to the study of metaphysics, the result of which he gave to the public in a voluminous work, entitled “ An Investigation of the Principles of Knowledge, and of the Progress of Reason from Sense to Science and Philosophy.” 3 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1794. While engaged in its publication he was seized with a dangerous illness, from which he never entirely recovered. In 17 9 4 appeared his ‘‘ Dissertation upon the Philosophy of Light, Heat, and Fire,” 8170. In 1796, his “ Theory of the Earth ” was republished in 2 vols., with large additions, and a new Mineralogical system. Many of his opinions were ably combated by Kirwan and others. Professor Playfair, who had adopted the leading doctrines of t,he Doctor’s theory, published, in 1802, a work entitled “ Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth.” A short time before his death the Doctor wrote a work on Agriculture, which was intended to form 4 vols. 8vo. The MS. was recently in existence. Dr. Huttorfs health had begun to decline in 1792; and, as before mentioned, he was seized with a severe illness during the summer of 1793, which, after some intervals of convalescence, terminated at last in his death, upon the 26th March 1797, having written a good deal in the course of the same day. He died, like his friend Dr. Black, a bachelor. No. XXV. PHILOSOPHERS. THIS Print represents DR. BLACK and DR HUTTONw, ho were for a long series of years most intimate and attached friends, conversing together. Their studies and pursuits were in many respects intimately connected, and upon different subjects of philosophical speculation they had frequently opposite opinions, but this never interrupted the harmony of their personal friendship. They were remarkable for their simplicity of character, and almost total ignorance of what was daily passing around them in the world. An amusing illustration of this will be found in the following anecdote :-
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