Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


vi AD V ER TI SEMEN T. is one of the late Mr. Archibald Constable), having fallen into the hands of the Publishers, have been added to the Second Volume, together with some notes on the text by Professor Daniel Wilson, author of “Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time.” In the preparation of the present Edition no expense has been spared to obtain the best results as regards the printing of both plates and text. In point, therefore, of completeness and general execution, this Edition will bear favourable comparison with its predecessors. The Publishers have great satisfaction in being enabled to resuscitate this work ; but this, they regret to say, is practicable only to a limited extent, and they have therefore to announce that-the Edition of the engravings now issued must necessarily be the last of Kay’s Original Portraits. EDINBURGNHo,v ember 15, 1877.
Volume 8 Page vi
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