Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


412 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Mr. Sibbald was the son of a farmer at Whitelaw, in Roxbnrghshire, where he was born about 1747. He received his education at the grammar-school of Selkirk. Although fond of literary amusements, he does not seem to have contemplated following any other profession than that of his father. Accordingly, his first attempt to establish himself in the world was by becoming a lessee of the farm of Newton, which he held from Sir Walter Elliot of Stobbs. Here he carried on the business of farming for several years, relieving the monotony of rustic life by literary and scientific pursuits. In May 1779, however, finding the agricultural interest considerably depressed, he sold off his stock, gave up his lease, and, without any fixed purpose, repaired to Edinburgh with little more than a hundred pounds in his pocket. Having some acquaintance with Mr. Charles Elliot, an eminent and enterprising bookseller, he engaged for a short time as his shopman ; and, in about a year afterwards, bought the circulating library which had originally belonged to Allan Ramsay the poet.’ He then opened a bookseller’s shop in the Parliament Square, where, by a degree of enterprise surpassing his contemporaries, he soon obtained distinction. He was the first to introduce the better order of engavings into Edinburgh, many of which were coloured to resemble paintings. They were considered as altogether of foreign or English manufacture, and as such were extensively purchased ; but, having been one day detected in the act of colouring them himself, from that unlucky period his business in this line diminished. In 1783, Sibbald commenced the Edinburgh Magazine: which was exceedingly well received, and in which, as editor and principal contributor, he displayed much talent and great research. Anxious to devote his attention exclusively to literary pursuits, he formed an arrhngement .in 1791 with two young men, Lawrie and Symington, by which they were to have his stock and business on payment of an annual sum. Mr. Sibbald then entered into a newspaper speculation, the “ Edinburgh Herald,” which he conducted ; but it did not continue for any length of time. He next went to London: where he resided 1 It was from this librarp, originally established by the author of the “ Gentle Shepherd,” and we believe the oldest institution of the kind in the kingdom, that Sir Walter Scott, according to his own statement, read in his younger years with such avidity. The collection latterly contained above thirty thousand volumes. It was called the Edinburgh Circulating Library ; but the selection of books was very superior to what are usually to be met with in collections of that description. Almost all the eminent men of last century who studied in Edinburgh,’as well as many of a succeeding period (some of whom filled the first offices in the state), were readers of this library. After the death of Mr. Sibbald, it was purchased, and enlarged, by Mr. Alexander Hackay-of Blackcastle in Edinburghshire- who was then a bookseller in the High Street ; and who, upon retiring from business about the year 1832, and not finding a purchaser for the whole, sold it off by public auction. To this work Lord Hailea was a contributor. The Magazine wm subsequently conducted by Dr. Robert Andewon, author of the Lives of the Poets, and published by Mr. Mackay. While in London his Scottish relations altogether lost sight of him ; they neither knew where he lived, nor how he lived. At length his brother William, a merchant in Leith, made particular inquiry into these circumstances by a letter, which he sent through such a channel as to be sure of reaching him. The answer was comprised in the following words :-I‘ My lodging is in Soho, and my business is so-so.”
Volume 8 Page 573
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