Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 405 until regularly exchanged, which was effected in 1780. Lord Kapier subsequently held commissions in several corps, and had attained the majority of the 4th Regiment, when, in 1789, in consequence of the peace, he sold out and retired from the army. On the 16th September of the same year, Lord Napier, as Grand Master Mason of Scotland, had the honour of laying the foundation-stone of the College of Edinburgh. The following was the order of the procession :- “ TheLord Provost,l Magistrates and Council, in their robes, with the City Regalia carried before them. The Principal a and Professors of the University, in their gowns, with the mace carried before them. The Students, with green laurel in their hats. A Band of Singers, conducted by Mr. Schetkey. The different Lodges of Free and Accepted Masons, with their proper insignia, etc. A Band of Instrumental Music. ” The procession, in which there were many of the nobility and gentry of Scotland, proceeded from the Parliament House, down the High Street, and along the South Bridge. The streets were lined by a party of the 35th Regiment and the City Guard. The procession began to move at half-past twelve, and reached the site of the College at one o’clock. The Grand Master, standing on the east, with the Substitute on his right hand, and the Grand Wardens on the west, having applied the square and level to the stone, and, after three knocks with the mallet, invoked the blessing of the “ Great Architect of the Universe” on the foundation-stone, three cheers were given by the brethren. The cornucopia and two silver vessels were then brought from the table and delivered-the cornucopia to the Substitute, and the two vessels to the Wardens -and were successively presented to the Grand Master, who, according to an ancient ceremony, poured the corn, the wine, and the oil which they contained on the stone, saying- ‘‘ May the all-bounteous Author of Nature bless this city with abundance of corn, wine, and oil, and with all the necessaries, conveniences, and comforts of life‘; and may the same Almighty power preserve this city from ruin and decay to the latest posterity.” On this the brethren gave three cheers ; and the Grand Master addressed himself to the Lord Provost and Magistrates, and to the Principal, as representing the University, in very eloquent speeches, to which the Lord Provost and the Reverend Principal made suitable replies. Two crystal bottles, cast on purpose at the Glass-House of Leith, were deposited in the foundation-stone. In one of these were put different coins of the regnal year, previously enveloped in crystal. In the other bottle were deposited seven rolls of vellum, containing a short account of the original foundation and present state of the University. The bottles, being carefully sealed UP, were covered with a plate of copper wrapt in block-tin ; and upon the under side of the copper were engraven the arms of the city of Edinburgh, of the 1 Thomas Elder, Esq., of Forneth. a Dr. Robertson, the historian.
Volume 8 Page 564
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