Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


368 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. "The edition said to be nndertaken with his approbation : obsolete words altered, with corrections in spelling and punctuation." A specimen of a book entitled Ane Compendious Booke of Godly and Spintual Sangs, collectit out of enndrie parts of the Scripture, with sundrie of other Bailates changed out of Prophaine Sanges, for avoyding of Sin and Harlotrie, with augmentation of sundrie Gude and Qodly Ballates, not contained in the 8rst edition. Edinburgh, printed by Andro Hart, 12mo. Edinburgh, 1765, pp. 42 ; with a Glossary of four pages. Meniorials and Letters relating to the History of Britain in the reign of Charles I., published from the Originals. Glasgow, 1766, pp. 189. Chiefly eoliectedfrom the manuscripts of the Rev. Robert Wodrow, author of the History of the Church of Scotland. Inscribed to Robert Dundas of Arniston, Lord President of the Court of Session. An Account of the Preservation of Charles 11. after the Battle of Worcester, drawn up by himself; to which are added, his Letters to seveyal persona. Glasgow, 1766, pp. 190, from the MSS. of Mr. Pepys, dictated to him by the King himself, and communicated by Dr. Sandby, Mnster of Magdalen College. The Letters are collected from various sources, and some of them are now first published. Dedicated to Thomas Holles, Duke of Newcastle, Chancellor of the University of Cambridge. Some copies havexa reprinted title page, dated Edinburgh, 1801, with one OT two additional Letters, and a Portrait prefixed of General Thomas Dalziel. The Secret Correspondence between Sir Robert Cecil and James VI. 12mo. 1760. A Catalogue of the Lords of Seasion from the Institution of the College of Justice, in the year 1532, with Historical Notes. Suum cuique-rependet posteritas. Edinburgh, li67,4to, pp. 26. A Specimen of Notes on the Statute Law of Scotland. No date, 8v0, very rare. A Specimen of similar Notes during the Reign of Mary Queen of Scots. No date, Svo, very rare. The Private Correspondence of Dr. Franris Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester, and his friends, in 1725, never before published. Printed ip 1768, 4to. Advertisement pp. 2. Letters, pp.pO. fac-simile of the firat letter from Bp. Atterbury to John Camemn of Lochiel prefixed. An Examination of some of the Arguments for the high Antiquity of Regiam Majestatem; and au Inquiry into the Authenticity of the Leges MaZcolmi. Edinburgh, 1769, 4t0, pp. 52. Historical Memorials concerning the Provincial Councils of the Scottish Clergy, from the earliest accounts to the era of the Reformation. Edinburgh, 1769, 4t0, pp. 41.-Nota, Having no high opinion of the popularity of his writings, he prefixes to this work the following motto :-"Si delectamur quum scrihimus, qui8 est tam invidus qui ab eo nos abducat P sin labotamus, qui8 est qui aliena modum atatuat industriaP"4icero. Canons of the Church of Scotland, drawn up in the Provinrial Councils held at Perth, A.D. 1242, and 1269. Ancient Scottish Poems, published from the MS. of George Bannatyne, 1568. Edinburgh, 1770, I2mo. Preface, six pages. Poems, pp. 221, very CW~OUS Notes, pp. 92. Qlossary, and list of passages and words not undemtood, pp. 14. Edinburgh, 1769, ate, pp. 48. The Additional Case of Elizabeth, claiming the title and dignity of Countess of Sutherland. By her Guardians. Wherein the facts and argumenta in support of her claim are more fully stated, and the errors iu the additional cases for the claimants am detected, 4to. . This singularly learned and able case Was subscribed by Alexander Wedderbnrn (afterwards Lord Chancellor and Earl of Rosslyn) and Sir Adam Fergnsson, but is the well-known work of Lord Hailes. It ought not to be regarded merely as a Law Paper of great ability, but as a Treatise of profound research into the history and antiquity of many important and general points of succession and family history. Introduction, pp. 21. The first four chapters, pp. 70 The 6fth and sixth ohapters, pp. 177. Remarks on the History of Scotland. By Sir David Dalrymple. " Utinam tam facile vera invenire possem, qnani falsa convincere."-C&To. Edinburgh, 1773. Inscribed to George Lord Lyttleton, in nine chapters, pp. 264, l h o . Specimen of a Glossary of the Scottish Language. No date, 8vo. Remarks on the Latin Poems of Dr. Pitcairn, in the Edinburgh Magazine for February 1774. Huberti Langueti Epistole ad Philippum Sydneium Equitem Anglum. Accurante D. Dalrymple de Hniles. Eq. Edinburgh, 1776, 8vo. Inscribed to Lord Chief Baron Smythe.-Virorum Eruditorum testimonia de Langueto, pp, 7. Epistolz, 289. Index Nominum, pp. 41. Aunals of Scotland, from the Accession of Malcolm HI., surnamed Canmore, to the Accession of Rohert I. By Sir David Dalrymple. Edinburgh. 1776, pp. 311. Appendix, pp. 51. Tables of the Succession of the Kings of Scotland from Malcolm 111. to Robert I., their marriages, children, and time of their death; and also of the Kings of England and France, and of the Popes who were their contemporaries. Chronologlcsl Abridgment of the Volume, pp. 30. The Appendix contains eight Dissertations. 1. Of the Law of Evenw and Mercheta Mulierum, 2. A Commentary on the 22d Statute of William 3. Of the 16th Statute of Alexander IIL, pp. 6. 4. Bull of Pope Innocent IV., pp. 6. 6. Of Walter Stewart, Earl oP Menteth, 1296, 6. Of M'Duff, slain at Falkirk in 1298, pp. 3. 7. Of the Death of John Comyn, 10th February 8, Of the Origin of the. House of Stewart, pp. 6. pp. 17. the Lion, pp. 8. PP, 7. 1305, pp. 4. - Snnals of Scotland, from the Accession of Robert I. surnamed Bruee, to the Accession of the House of Stewart. By Sir David Dalrymple. Edinburgh, 1779, 4t0, pp. 277. Appendix, pp. 54. containing- 1. Of the Manner of the Death of Marjory, 2. Journal of the Campaign of Edward 111.. 1327, daughter of Robert I., pp. 7. PP. 9.
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