Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


342 B I0 GR A P HI C d L SKETCHES. examination of original documents, and the various public records. This work indeed forms part only of his contemplated scheme, for, had his life been spared, he intended to have followed it up with another volume relating to the other great division, or the Central Highlands, which could not have failed to have proved of even greater historical interest, independently of what he purposed to have prefixed-“A Dissertation on the Manners, Customs, and Laws of the Highlanders,” at an early period ; and for which, we believe, he had collected very important materials. No. CXXXVII. DR. JAMES GREGORY, IN THE UNIFORX OF THE ROYAL EDINBURGH VOLUhTEERS. WHEN this loyal corps was formed, in 1793, DR. GREGORYe ntered warmly into the spirit of the design, and was among the first to enrol himself in the ranks. The well-known Sergeant Gould used to say, “he might be a good physician, but he was a very awkward soldier.” At drill he was either very absent or very inquisitive, and put so many questions, that Gould, out of temper, often said- “D-n it, sir, you are here to obey orders, and not to ask reasons; there is nothing in the King’s orders about reasons !” Aware of his deficiency, the Doctor was not only punctual in attending all regimental field-days, but frequently had the Sergeant-Major at his own house to give him instructions, On one of these occasions, the Sergeant, out of all patience with the awkwardness and inquisitiveness of his learned pupil, exclaimed in B rage-“Hold your tongue, sir; I would rather drill ten clowns than one philosopher !” Small parties of the volunteers were drilled privately in the Circus (afterwards the Adelphi Theatre). On one of these occasions, while marching across the stage, the trap-door used by the players haviig been inadvertently left unbolted, the Doctor suddenly disappeared to the ‘‘ shades below;” upon which a wag belonging to the corps exclaimed-“ Exit Gregor’s Ghost ! ”I He never, however, attained eminence in his military capacity. An allusion to a popdar Scotch ballad called “Young Gregor’s Ghost.”
Volume 8 Page 477
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