Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


312 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. the source of much wealth; and, by his judicious management, he otherwise greatly enhanced the value of his estate. Sir Archibald took an active hand in superintending his numerous colliers and salters. They were a rough, uncultivated set of people; and, like most workmen in similar emplogments, not very deeply impressed with proper notions of subordination. He had his own system of management, however ; and, although not strictly in accordance with the principles of constitutional government, it proved not less efficacious than it was summary in its application. He required no sheriff or justice courts to settle matters of dispute. Armed with his jockey-whip, Sir Archibald united in his own person all the functionaries of justice ; and, wherever his presence was required, he was instantly on the spot. On several occasions, when, by the example and advice of neighbouring works, his men were in mutiny, he has been known to go down to the pits, and, with whip in hand, lay about him, right and left, until order was restored. The work would then go on as formerly-the men as cheerful and compliant as if nothing untoward had occurred. Upon the whole, his people were happy and contented; and although the means which he took to enforce obedience were somewhat arbitrary, his subjects felt little inclination to object to them. Although much of his time was thus devoted to his own affairs, public matters of local interest received a due share of his attention; and on every occasion of a patriotic or charitable nature he stepped nobly forward with his counsel and assistance. Sir Archibald resided chiefly at Pinkie House,' where he maintained the genuine hospitality of the olden times, and kept such an establishment of " neighing steeds " and " deep-mouthed hounds " as at once declared the owner to be, in sentiment, one of those doughty "squires of old" whose masculine ideas of enjoyment were widely at variance with the effeminacy attributed to the luxurious landholders of more modern times. As might be anticipated from his character, Sir Archibald was a member of the Caledonian Hunt-a body of Scottish gentlemen well known to be somewhat exclusive in the admission of members. Of this honourable club he held the high distinction of President in 1789, at which period the etching of the " Knight of the Turf " was executed. Sir Archibald married, in 1758, Elizabeth, daughter of William M'Dowall, Esq. of Castle Semple, by whom he had two sons and five daughters. On the death of this lady in 1778, he married (the year following) Elizabeth, daughter of John Patoun, Esq.-a gentleman whose name was originally Paton; but who, having gone abroad in his youth, and amassed a large fortune, on his return to his native country changed the spelling of it to Patmr The issue of this second marriage were three sons and one daughter. In former times the seat of the Earls of Dnnfermline-a branch of the Setons, who had large possessions in the east country, which were forfeited by the attainder of the last Earl of Wintonthe chief of the family-for his accession to the Rebellion in 1715.
Volume 8 Page 437
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