Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 299 He was also connected with several literary and theological societies formed among his fellow-students; and was a member of the Newtonian Society, instituted in 1760, which for several years continued to meet weekly in one of the rooms of the College, and which may be said to have been the precursor of the present Royal Society of Edinburgh. He was at the time very young, and not sufficiently practised in the art of literary condensation. When it came to his turn to produce an essay for the evening, he had entered so sincerely and fully upon the subject that he appeared at the forum with an immense bundle of papers under his arm, and commenced by stating that his discourse consisted of twelve different parts ! This announcement alarmed the preses for the night so much, that he interrupted him by declaring that he had twelve distinct objections to the production of such a mass of manuscripts. The preses accordingly stated his twelve reasons, and was followed on the same side by six other members, who prefaced their observations by a similar declaration, During this opposition the temper of the young theologian remained unruffled ; and it was not till the last speaker had finished his oration that he took up his papers, and, without deigning to reply, walked out of the room. In 1770 Dr. Hunter was presented to the New Church of Dumfries, and soon afterwards became the purchaser of the estate of Barjarg in that county, which had previously belonged to James Erskine of Barjarg and Alva-one of the Senators of the College of Justice. He remained at Dumfries for nine years, and was much esteemed by all classes of the community. In 1779 he was presented to the New Greyfriars’ Church, Edinburgh; and whilst there was appointed the colleague of Dr. Hamilton (father to the late eminent physician), in the Divinity Professorship of the University ; and, until the death of that gentleman, continued to teach his class without any remuneration. In 1786 he was translated by the Magistrates to the Tron Church, where he became associated with Dr. Drysdalel-a clergyman much esteemed for his Dr. Drysdale, whose presentation to Lady Yester’s Church made much noise in Edinburgh, was a native of Kirkcaldy. He received his early education at the village school taught by Mr. David Miller, and was the intimate associate of Dr. Adam Smith, Janies Oswald of Dunnikier, and several other distinguished men, to whom Mr. Miller had the honour of imparting instruction. Dr. Drysdale waq presented to Lady Yester’s Church by the Town Council in 1763. For some time prior, the election of ministers for the city having been allowed to remain with the general sessions, the resumption of power by the Council in this instance gave rise to much cavil and commotion. A civil process w &t~he consequence, which was ultimately decided in favour of the corporation. Notwithstanding the unpleasant circumstances connected with his presentation, the great talents and natural eloquence of Dr. Drysdale, together with his known character as a man, soon rendered him a popular minister. In 1766, he was still farther honoured by the Town Council, in being translated to the Tron Church on the death of Dr. Jardine. Dr. Drysdale was much esteemed by his brethren ; and. in 1773, was chosen Moderator of the General Assembly. In the affairs of this court he took an adive interest ; and was the steady supporter of his friend Dr. Robertson, on the moderate side. In conjunction with his venerable colleague Dr. Wishart, he was appointed Clerk to the Court ic 1778 ; and, in 1784, had the peculiar honour of bcing a second time solicited to be put in nomina- An anecdote is told of Dr. Hunter in connection with this Society.
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