Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


298 .BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. No. CXXI. DR, ANDREW HUNTER, PROFESSOR OF DIVINITY IN THE UNIVERSITY, AND MINISTER OF THE TRON CHURCH, EDINBURGH. DR. ANDREW HUNTER was the eldest son of Andrew Hunter, Esq. of Park,’ Writer to the Signet. His mother, Grise1 Maxwell, was a daughter of General Maxwell, of Cardoness, in the stewartry of Kirkcudbright-a gentleman alike distinguished for his bravery and his piety. He was a zealous supporter of the Protestant interest; and, at the Revolution in 1688, was one of those who accompanied the Prince of Orange from Holland. Dr. Hunter was born in Edinburgh in 1743, and, at an early period, gave evidence of that mildness of temper and goodness of disposition which so much endeared him in after life to all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. He was educated at the school taught by Mr. Mundell, one of the most distinguished teachers in Edinburgh at that period. Nearly fifty years afterwards, out of respect to him, a club was formed, consisting of those who had been his scholars --imong whom we may enumerate the Earl of Buchan, Lord Hermand, Lord Polkemmet, Lord Balmuto, and other distinguished individuals, including Dr. Hunter. The members were in the habit of dining together at stated periods in honour of his memory. At these social meetings the parties lived their boyish days over again ; and each was addressed in the familiar manner, and by the juvenile soubriquet which he bore when one of the “ schule laddies.” Any deviation from these rules was punished by a fine. After passing through his academical studies at the University of Edinburgh, Dr. Hunter spent a year at Utrecht, which he chiefly devoted to the study of theology-such a course being at that time considered highly necessary to perfect the student of divinity. Thus prepared for the Church, I)r. Hunter was licensed as a probationer by the Presbytery of Edinburgh in 1767 ; but he refused to accept of any charge till after the death of his venerable father, towards whom he manifested the utmost degree of filial affection, cheering the evening of his days by his kind attention and solicitude. While attending the University, Dr. Hunter became intimate with severa1 young gentlemen, afterwards distinguished in their various walks of life : among others, Sir Robert Liston (for manyqears ambassador to the Ottoman Court) ; Ik. Alexander Adam (rector of the High School) ; Dr. Sommerville, minister of Jedburgh (the historian) ; and Dr. Samuel Charteris, minister of Wilton. Descended from a branch of the fa.mily of Hunter of Hunterstone in Ayrshire.
Volume 8 Page 417
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