length, when an ominous vacuum began to render less distinct the hitherto
bright and vivid reminiscences of an Italian sky, under which they had been all
night, in imagination, enjoying themselves-Stabilini staggered towards the
window, through the shutters of which he fancied he beheld a stream of light,
and throwing them open, was confounded to witness the full blaze of an autumnal
morning. '' Corri ! Corri ! " exclaimed the astonished Stabilini to his drowsy
countryman-" Be-gar, it's to-morrow ! "
Stabilini was a joyous creature.' He was a great favourite of Skene of
Skene-a gentleman of ability and genius, and who loved of all things to spend
the night over his glass with his friends. Stabilini-or Stab, as he was
famiIiarly called-was his frequent companion, and used to spend weeks with
him in the country, where he was in the habit of acting as butler, or rather as
factotum of the establishment. While there it was no uncommon thing for
to-morrow to dawn before the Bacchanalian orgies of the night had been concluded.
Stabilini died at Edinburgh in July 1815, and was buried in the West
Churchyard, where a stone fixed in the wall of the south entrance bears the
following inscription- " Memoria: Hieronymi Stabilini, Amici Mcerentes
Posuerunt : Roma Natus, Edina obiit Mens. Jul. MDCCCXV&., tat. LIV."
The third figure in the Print represents a personage of "sterner stuff" than
either of the two foregoing, being an excellent likeness of the somewhat
notorious CAPTAIN M'KENZIE of Red Castle. The small estate bearing
this name is situated in the neighbourhood of Montrose. The old castle, now
in ruins, on the banks of the Lunan, is supposed to have been built by William
the Lion.
This gentleman was an officer in Seaforth's Regiment of Highlanders, at the
time of their revolt in 1778. The regiment had for some time been quartered
in the Castle of Edinburgh ; but, contrary to expectation, they were at length
ordered to embark for Guernsey. Previous to this, a difference existed between
the officers and men-the latter declaring that neither their bounty nor the
arrears of their pay had been fully paid up, and that they had otherwise been
ill used. On the day appointed for embarkation (Tuesday, the 22d September)
the regiment marched for Leith ; but farther than the Links the soldiers refused
to move a single step. A scene of great confusion ensued: the officers
endeavoured to soothe the men by promising to rectify every abuse. About
five hundred were prevailed on to embark, but as many more were deaf to all
entreaty ; and, being in possession of powder and ball, any attempt to force
them would have proved both ineffectual and dangerous. The mutineers then
moved back to Arthur Seat, where they took up a position, and in which they
continued encamped more than ten days. "hey were supplied plentifully with
The tricks he played off upon the natives with his favourite spaniel, at private parties, and in
particular at the public dinner in Mid-Calder, will yet be remembered by many.