Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


282 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. The print of Dr. Monro was executed in 1790, and is said to be extremely faithful ; indeed, the Professor considered it one of the best representations ever given of any individual. No. cxv, REV. JOHN KEMP, D.D., ONE OF THE MINISTERS OF THE TOLBOOTH CHURCH, EDINBURGH. THE subject of this etching, born in 1745, was the son of the Rev. David Kemp, minister of Gask, in Perthshire, a man of piety and worth. By his father he was at an early period designed for the clerical profession, and passed through his academical studies at the University of St. Andrews with considerable credit. Having undergone the usual formula, and being licensed as a probationer by the presbytery of Auchterarder, he was, on the 4th April 1770, ordained minister of Trinity Gask-to which he was presented by the Earl of Kinnoull.’ In 1776, he was called by the Town Council to the New Greyfriars’ Church of Edinburgh ; and from thence translated, on the death of Mr. Plenderleith, in 1779, to the Tolbooth Church, where he became the colleague of Dr. Webster, and subsequently of Dr. Davidson. DR. KEMP was a clergyman of acknowledged acquirements and ability, and was distinguished by an active business disposition. He was for a great many years Secretary to the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge-in which office he succeeded the Rev. Dr. John MFarlane. The duties of the secretaryship he discharged with great zeal and fidelity; and, by his intelligent and judicious management, tended materially to promote the highly useful and patriotic objects of the Society. In his official capacity Dr. Kemp frequently visited the Highland districts of the country, to the improvement of which the missions of the Society were principally directed. In the summer of 1791, in particular, he undertook an extensive tour to the Highlands and Hebrides ; and, that he might prosecute The Earl of Kinnoull was for some time president of the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge. He was an excellent man; and, on his death in 1787, Dr. Kenip did not fail to ernbrace the opportunity of rendering the homage due to the memory of his early patron. In an appendix to a sermon preached before the Society at their anniversary meeting in 1788, he published a well-drawn memoir of his lordship, by which the character of the deceased nobleman waa placed in the most amiable light. The pamphlet was entitled “ The Gospel adapted to the State and Circumstances of Man ; a sermon, preached before the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge, at their anniversary meeting in the High Church of Edinburgh, June 5, 1788, by the Rev. John Kemp, one of the ministers of Edinburgh. To which are added facts, serving to illustrate the character of the late Right Hon. Thomas Earl of Kinnoull.” 1s. Gay.
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