Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 28 1 There were likewise produced to the patrons certificates from the differeut Professors of Latin and Greek, of Philosophy and Mathematics, and of the Professors of Medicine in the University of Edinburgh, under whom he had studied ; together with attestations from a great number of the students who had attended his demonstrations and lectures. Evidence was also produced that he was above twenty-one years of age, These papers were laid before the patrons in June 1754, and the prayer of the petition was granted. Mr. Monro did not immediately repair to the Continent, but remained in Scotland for a year. The reason of this was probably a wish that he might graduate at the University of Edinburgh. This he accordingly did upon the 20th October 1755. He chose as the subject of his thesis “De Testibus et Semine in variis Animalibus.” He could hardly have selected one more difficult to discuss. It is fully twice the size of ordinary theses, and is accompanied with plates, in order to explain the situation of the parts, their functions, and his reasoning.concerning them. Such as have examined it uniformly concur in opinion that it possesses great merit, and affords an excellent specimen of what was to be expected from him as a Professor of Anatomy. When he went abroad, it was with the view principally of studying anatomy under the best masters in Europe. At Eerlin he attended Professor Meckel’s lectures, whose reputation as an anatomist stood very high. He now and then referred to him in his own lectures, and spoke of his old master in very high terms. He was for some time at Leyden; but whether he ever-visited Paris we are not informed. Upon his return to Scotland, he was admitted a licentiate of the Edinburgh Royal College of Physicians on the 2d of May 1758, and elected a fellow on the 1st May 1759. His character as a lecturer on anatomy stood very high during the long period that he discharged its duties. As an anatomist he was well known, not only throughout the British dominions and in America, but over the whole Continent of Europe ; and he contributed most essentially to spread the fame of the University of Edinburgh as a medical school. He was not only a skilful anatomist, but an enthusiast in the study of it ; and was constantly employed in exercising his mechanical genius in inventing and improving surgical instruments. Neither he nor his father read any of their lectures. His elocution was distinct-slow but somewhat formal-and he generally detained the students more than an hour at lecture. The following notice of his death occurs in the Scots Magazine :-- At Edinburgh, in the eighty-fifth year of his age, Alexander Monro of Craiglockhart, Esq., M.D., Professor of Medicine, Anatomy, and Surgery, in the University of Edinburgh. This distinguished physician was admitted joint Professor with his father, 12th July 1754 ; and, during more than half a century, shone as one of the brightest ornaments of that much and justly celebrated seminary ; his elegant and scientific lecturea attracting students from all quarten of the globe.” He was succeeded by his son, the third Dr. Alexander Monro in lineal succession. The three held the professorship successively for upwards of a hundred years. It is long since it became very scarce. “ Oct. 2, [1817]. 2 0
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