Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


262 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Rev. Mr. Hall of the Burghers. When Mr. Brodie came to the scaffold, he bowed politely to the Magistrates and the people. Smith was dressed in white linen, trimmed with black. Eaving spent some time in prayer with seeming fervency with the clergymen, Mr. Brodie than prayed a short time by himself. “ Having put on white nightcaps, Brodie pointed to Smith to ascend the steps that led to the drop ; and, in an easy manner, clapping him on the shoulder, said, ‘ George Smith, you are first in hand.’ Upon this Smith, whose behaviour was highly penitent and resigned, slowly ascended the steps, and ww immediately followed by Brodie, who mounted with briskness and agility, and examined the dreadful apparatus with attention, and particularly the halter designed for himself. The ropes being too short tied, Brodie stepped down to the platform, and entered into conversation with his friends. He then sprang up again, but the rope was still too short ; and he once more descended to the platform, showing some impatience. During this dreadful interval Smith remained on the drop with great composure and placidness. Bmdie having ascended a third time, and the rope being at last properly adjusted, he deliberately untied his neckcloth, buttoned up his waistcoat and coat, and helped the executioner to fix the rope. He than took a friend (who stood close by him) by the hand, bade him farewell, and requested that he would acquaint the world that he wa.9 still the same, and that he died l i e a man. He then pulled the nightcap over his face, and placed himself in an attitude expressive of firmness and resolution. Smith, who, during all this time had been in fervent devotion, let fall a handkerchief as a signal, and a few minutes before three they were launched into eternity. Brodie on the scaffold neither confessed nor denied his being guilty. Smith, with great fervency, confessed in prayer his being guilty, and the justice of his sentence ; and showed in all his conduct the proper expressions of penitence, humility, and faith. This execution was conducted with more than usual solemnity ; and the great bell tolled during the ceremony, which had an awful and solemn effect. The crowd of spectators was immense.” He had on a full suit of black-his hair dressed and powdered. In explanation of the wonderful degree of firmness, if not levity, displayed in the conduct of Brodie, a curious and somewhat ridiculous story became current. It was stated that he had been visited in prison by a French quack, of the name of Degravers,’ who undertook to restore him to life after he had hung the usual time; that, on the day previous to the execution, he had marked the temples and arms of Brodie with a pencil, in order the more readily to know where to apply the lancet; and that, with this view, the hangman had been bargained with for a short fall. “ The excess of caution, however,” observes our worthy informant, who was himself a witness of the scene, exercised by the executioner in the first instance, in shortening the rope, proved fatal, by his inadvertency in making it latterly too long. After he was cut down,” continues our friend, “ his body was immediately given to two of his own workmen, who, Dr. Peter Degravers, according to his own account, was at one time F’rofessor of Anatomy and Physiology in the Royal Academy of Science at Paris, and a member of several medical societies. Whatever may have been his circumstances in France, Kay says it is certain his finances were at a very low ebb when he came to Edinburgh, where, in order to get into immediate practice, he advertised his advice in all cases at the low rate of half-a-crown. After having been some time in Edinburgh, he succeeded in securing the affections of Miss Baikie, sister to Robert Baikie, Esq. of Tankerness, M.P., whom he married, and with her was to receive aeven hundred pounds of portion. Some delay, however, occurred in the settlement ; and, unfortunately for the Doctor, before he had obtained more than an elegantly furnished house, his lady died in childbed, when the money was retained by her friends as a provision for the child, which waa a daughter. Not long after this event the Doctor decamped, no one knew whither, leaving debts to a considerable amount unsettled. In 1788 Degravera published a “ Treatise on the Diseases of the Eye and Ear,” to which an etching of the author, by Kay, was prefixed, as well aa two anatomical prints by the same artist. These platss are not to be found in Kay’s collection, having, we understand, been paid for and carried away by Degravers. Like the productions of most other quacks, hia treatise was full of invective against the gentlemen of the faculty.
Volume 8 Page 366
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