Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES.. . 237 consist of a blue coat, with a red cape and cuff, white lining turned up in the skirts, two gold epaulets, and a button bearing the name of the corps and arms of the city ; white cassimere vest and breeches, and white cotton stockings ; short gaiters of black cloth ; a round hat with two black feathers and one white ; and black cross-belts.’ The two grenadier companies had a bear-skin and a grenade on the hat, and grenades at the joining of the skirts of the coat ; while the officers of the corps were only distinguished by their swords. The regiment, being assembled in Heriot’s Green on the 26th September 1794, was presented with a stand of colours by the Lord Provost (Sir James Stirling), attended by the two senior Magistrates, the Principal of the University, and the whole Members of the Town Conucil, in their robes. The colours were very handsome ; the one elegantly embroidered with a crown and the letters G.R.; and the other with the city arms. A vast crowd of spectators attended to witness the presentation. . The original officers of the corps were- LIJWTENANT-COLONELS. Thomas Elder, Old Provost. William Maxwell, Colonel in the Army (now General Sir William Maxwell). MAJORS. Roger Aytoun, Leiut.-Colonel in the Army. Patrick Crichton, a Captain in the Army. Clarles Rem, late Captain 43d Foot. Andrew Houston, late Lieutenant of the Car- John Anstruther, late Lieutenant 17th Foot. Arch. Erskine, late Major of 22d Foot. Robert Hamilton, late Lieutenant 82d Foot. William West, Captain in the Army. Robert Arbuthnot, Lieutenant in the Army. Thomas Armstrong, late Lieutenant 80th Foot. Captain-Lieutenant George Abercromby. Thomas Hewen, late Captain in 4th Dragoons. Archibald Campbell, late Lieut. in the Army. David Bume, late Lieutenant of Marines. Henry Jardine (now Sir H. Jardine), W.S. Robert Dundas (the late Sir Robert Dundas, CAPTAINLI. bmeers. LIEUTENANTS. Baine Whyt, W.S. William Coulter.* Malcolm Wright. John Clork. David Reid. John F’ringle. Baronet, of Dunira). Robert Hodgson Cay, Advocate. ENSIONS John Dundas. James Brown. John Menzies. James Dickson. John Wood, Charles Phin. Lachlan Mactavkh. Morris West. CHAPLAIN-ReVereUd a. Baird. TmbBmm-Hugh Robertaon. hJuTANT-Patrick Crichton. SECRETAItY-HeIWy Jardine. QUARTERHASTER-David Hunter. SUMiEON--ThOmM Hay. ~IElTmT-~oRGEONS-~ohRna e and James Law.’ The belts of the Edinburgh Volunteers were afterwards painted white, which soon gave the corps an awkward appearance, on account of the paint scaling off, and leaving portions of white and black alternately. They were accordingly soon laid wide, and the common buff belt substituted The uniform underwent many other changes. ’ Afterwards Lord Provost, who, dying while holding that office, received the honour of 8 public funeral. In a pamphlet, entitled “View of the Establishment of the Royal Edinburgh Volunteem,” published in June 1795, an alphabetical list of all the members is given, amounting tu 785 ; which,
Volume 8 Page 334
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