Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


228 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. The Agreeable Surprke-Lingo, the Latin Schoolmaster and Parish Clerk, by Mr. Moss,-who recommended the piece to notice by the following amusing “ Mr. MOSSw,il ling to testify his gratitude for his very kind reception by the public in the character of Lingo, has procured a farce to be written, in which the subject is to be continued, and he flatters himself, much heightened, by showing Lingo in the new light of teaching the scholars-at the club as preses -with his courtship, serenade, and his duel. He has also been at considerable expense in getting the license of the Lord Chamberlain, and in having music adapted properly for the representation of the piece; on which have been bestowed suitable decorations. ‘‘ The farce has been read to several gentlemen of the first taste and condition in this city, and has been honoured by their entire approbation ; this, with an unexceptionable play, and the humorous interlude, furnish the bill of fare ; and Mr. Moss respectfully hopes his assiduity to please will be taken as a proof of his grateful sense of the public favour.’11 Another hiatus occurs in our notes for Mr. Moss’s biography. We however learn that he was acting again in Edinburgh during the season 1788-89. He was for many years manager of several of the provincial theatres in the south of Scotland. His favourite character during this period, and one in which he excelled, was that of Lovegold, in The Miser. The next account of him we find is contained in the following advertisement, published in 1815 :- puff :- THEATRE ROYAL. Last Night of Performing until the Summer Season. FOR THE BENEFIT OF MR. MOSS. Mr. Moss, who had the honour of being a performer in this city thirty years ago, and being then distinguished by a most flattering degree of public patronage, respectfully begs leave to inform the ladies and gentlemen of Wiburgh that severe and lengthened disease has wholly disabled him from his professional exertions, and now confines him a patient to one of the wards of the Royal Infirmary. In these circumstances of deep distress, Mr. Moss begs leave to address himself to the liberality of a public to whom calamity never appeals in vain, and respectfully informs them that, on Saturday the 20th May, will be performed a favourite three act comedy, called HE WOULD BE A SOLDIER. ‘‘ Four and Twenty Puppet-Shows,” by Mr. Russell.’ End of the play, the dramatic pastoral, in one act, of A comic song, by Mr. Russell, called “ The Humours of a Playhouse.” To which will be added, the new melo-drama of In act 24 a Scene representing a Fete Champetre, with a dance and Banquet. DAPHNE AND AMINTOR. JEAN DE PARIS. The receipts of the house exceeded €1 30. The following were the characters :-Lingo (the Schoolmaster and Parish Clerk), Mr. Moss ; Sir Eugene Friendly, Mr. Tanner ; Compton, Mr. Daviea ; and Captain Crosstrees, Nr. Ballion ; Lady Friendly, Miss Morris ; Tabby, Mrs. Tanner ; and Mrs. Tickleteat, Mrs. Mills. The “ Stranded Actor,” as he afterwards called himself, from the circumstance of his having, for a short semon in 1834, treated the town to Monopologues in the New Strand Theatre.
Volume 8 Page 321
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