Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 219 was executed upon Patrick Ogilvie,’ in the Gmsmarket of Edinburgh; but Catherine Nairne, whose sentence had been delayed in consequence of pregnancy, made her escape from the tolbooth soon after her accouchement. She effected this by assuming the garb and demeanour of the midwife, Mrs. Shiells, who had for several days previously attended on her patient with her head muffled up, under pretence of a violent attack of toothache. There is every reason to believe that the stratagem was matured under the connivance of her uncle Sir William, then Mr. Nairne; and at least some of the prison guards were not ignorant of what was to take place. There have been various conjectures as to the precise time Catherine Nairne quitted the city-some asserting that she remained concealed in Edinburgh for some days prior to her fight to the Continent. It, appears almost certain, however, that she left the city the same night (Saturday the 15th March 1766) on which she escaped from the jail;-a carriage was in waiting at the foot of the Horse Wynd; in which was Mr. Nairne’s clerk-the late Mr. James Bremner, afterwards Solicitor of Stamps-who accompanied Mrs. Ogdvie as far as Dover, on her way to France. Notwithstanding her very criticalIsituation, Mr. Bremner was in momentary dread all the way of a discovery, in consequence of her extreme frivolity of behaviour, as she was continually putting her head out of the window and laughing immoderately. She was, as previously noticed, very young, and had only been married in January 1765 j and the crime for which she was tried was completed, by the death of’ her husband, in the month of June following. She was described, in the proclamation issued for her apprehension by the magistrates of Edinburgh, as attired in ‘‘ an officer’s habit, with a hat slouched in the cocks, and a cockade in it j ” and “ about twenty-two years of age, middle-sized and strong made; has a high nose, black eyebrows, and a pale complexion.” Two rewards were offered for her apprehension,-one by Government, and another by the city of Edinburgh, of one hundred pounds each. It is said she was afterwards very fortunate, having been married to a Dutch gentleman, by whom she had a numerous family. Rumour also represents her as having ultimately retired to a convent and taken the veil ; and adds, that she survived the French Revolution, and died in England in the present century. * He was 8 great player on the violin ; and the interval between his condemnation and execution wa almost exclusively devoted to his performance on that instrument. Great influence waa used to save him ; but the feeling waa 80 strong against him, that the efforts of his friends were wholly ineffectual. It is now enclosed, and used &B a furniture waiwroom. 9 The principal entrance, at that period, to Minto House, waa from the Horse Wynd.
Volume 8 Page 309
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