Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


214 BI 0 G R AP HI GAL SKETCHES. No. LXXXIX. RIGHT HONOURABLE LORD ADL4M GORDON AND HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE COUNT D’ARTOIS, AFTERWARDS CHARLES X. THE most memorable occurrence during LORD ADAM’S command in Scotland was the arrival of his Royal Highness the Count d‘Artois, in 1796. “June &-This afternoon, about two o’clock, his Royal Highness Monsieur Compte d’Artois, etc., landed at Leith from on board his Majesty’s frigate Jason, Captain C. Stirling. On the frigate’s coming to anchor in the Roads, his Royal Highness was saluted with twenty-one guns from Leith Fort, and with the like number on his landing at Leith, where he was received from the boat by Lord Adam Gordon and a part of his suite, and conducted in his lordship’s carriage to an apartment in the Palace of Holyrood, fitted up in haste for his reception; and, as he entered the Palace, his Royal Highness was saluted with twenty-one guns from the Castle. The Windsor Foresters and Hopetoun Fencibles were in readiness to line his approach to the Palace ; but his Royal Highness choosing to land in a private manner, and with as little ceremony as possible, that was dispensed with. The noblemen in his Royal Highness’s suite followed in carriages provided for the purpose, and were conducted from the outer gate of the Palace by the Commander-in-Chief to their apartments.’’ “Next day his Royal Highness Le Compte d‘drtois held a levee at his apartments in Holyrood House, at which his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch, Lord Dalkeith, Lord Adam Gordon, and all the officers of the Hopetoun Fencibles, and of the Staff in North Britain, attended, and were presented; as also the Sheriff Depute of Mid-Lothian and several other gentlemen. His Royal Highness, it is understood, means to see company every Monday and Thursday.”’ The royal suite remained for several years at Holyrood House, during which , On this occasion, the following verses appeared in the “Scots Chronicle” of the 2d March 1796 :- “ 0 Scotia ! take me to thy arms- Thy friendly arms 0 stretch to me ! My native land has lost her charms- From Gallia’s shore I come to thee : From Gallia’s once dear sprightly shore I fly to thee, her ancient friend ; Oh ! ope the hospitable door- Wilt thou a royal head defend ? The purple stream and deluged plains, So late the terror of mine eyes, My wounded breast the shock retains, And every throb of pleasure dies.
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