Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 213 marching a short distance along the coast. This they accomplished in doublequick time, without having almost ever seen the face of an enemy. At St. Cas Howe had every thing in readiness, so that not a moment was lost, the troops entering the boats just as they arrived on the beach. Lord Adam Gordon greatly distinguished himself by bringing up the rear of the troops, and resolutely retarding the advanae of the enemy. The embarkation took place on the 11th September, thus finishing, almost without bloodshed, the long campaign of seven days ! Lord Adam Gordon next became Colonel of the 66th Regiment of Foot, and served for several years in America. He returned in 1765, having been entrusted by the heads of the Colonies with a statement of their grievances. Lord Adam had a long conference with the Secretaries of State j but his mission was not productive of any favourable result. In 1775, he was appointed Colonel of the 26th, or Cameronian Regiment; and, in 1782, was made Governor of Tynemouth Castle. Lord Adam sat in Parliament for many years, having been' first returned for the county of Aberdeen in 1754. He afterwards'represented the county of Kincardine from 1774 till 1788, when he vacated his seat, and was next year appointed to the command of the Forces in Scotland. Lord Adam thereupon took up his residence in Holyrood Palace, which he caused to be materially repaired ; but displayed very questionable taste in having all the oak carvings painted white ! While Commander-in-Chief, Lord Adam frequently amused himself by reviewing those domestic warriors, the Edinburgh Volunteers, and the other defensive bands which the emergencies of the country had called into existence. He also had the honour of presenting a set of colours to a battalion of the Scots Brigade. The ceremony took place in George Square, on the 19th of June 1795. Lord Adam, who was then a very old man, addressed the corps in the following terms :-" General Dundas, and officers of the Scots Brigade, -1 have the honour to present these colours to you j and I am very happy in having this opportunity of expressing my wishes that the Brigade may continue, by their good conduct, to merit the approbation of our gracious Sovereign, and to maintain that reputation which all Europe knows that old and respectable corps have most deservedly enjoyed." This oration was received with great applause, and the veterans were visibly affected. Lord Adam resigned the command, in 1798, in favour of Sir Ralph Abercromby, and retired to his seat of "The Burn," in the county of Kincardine, where he died suddenly on the 13th August 1801, in consequence of inflammation produced by drinking lemonade while over-heated. His lordship married in London, in 1776, Jane, daughter of John Drummond, Esq. of Megginch, in the county of Perth, the widow of James, second Duke of Atholl, but had no issue.' Her Grace died at Holyrood pause, on the 22d February 1795. 1 It waa on the Duchess that the song-beginning, " For lack of gold "-was composed.
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