Kay's Originals Vol. 1
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Kay's Originals Vol. 1
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Kay's Originals Vol. 1
Title Pages
Introductory Notice to Original Portraits, Biographical Sketches
I. Mr. John Kay
II. A Triumvirate. The Daft Highland Laird, John Dhu, or Dow, alias Macdonald, and Jamie Duff, an idiot.
III. Francis McNab, Esq. of McNab
IV. Three Giants, with a Group of Spectators
V. Lord Kames. Hugo Arnot, Esq. of Balcormo, Advocate. Lord Monboddo.
VI. Contemplation
VII. Lord Gardenstone
VIII. Hugo Arnot, Esq., Advocate, and Gingerbread Jock
IX. Dr. Glen and the Daft Highland Laird
X. A Sleepy Congregation
XI. Dr. James Graham going along the North Bridge in a High Wind
XII. Dr. James Graham lecturing in Edinburgh
XIII. James Macrae, Esq.
XIV. Captain Page and Captain Vicars
XV. The Three Captains of the City Guard. George Pitcairn, George Robertson, Robert Pillans.
XVI. Provost David Steuart and Bailie John Lothian
XVII. Alexander Hunter, Esq. of Polmood, and Roger Hog, Esq. of Newliston
XVIII. Francis Grose, Esq., F.A.S. of London and Perth
XIX. Captain Mingay, with a porter carrying George Cranstoun in his creel
XX. Samuel McDonald and George Cranstoun
XXI. Major Fisher
XXII. Dr. Joseph Black
XXIII. Dr. Joseph Black, Lecturing
XXIV. Dr. James Hutton
XXV. Philosophers
XXVI. Dr. John Brown
XXVII. Dr. Brown in his study
XXVIII. Sir James Hunter Blair, Bart., Late Lord Provost of Edinburgh
XXIX. Alexander Carlyle, D.D., Inveresk
XXX. The Modern Hercules
XXXI. Adam Ritchie
XXXII. Angelo Tremamondo, Esq., Riding Master
XXXIII. Lord Rockville Dr. Adam Smith, and Commissioner Brown
XXXIV. Adam Smith, LL.D. And F.R.S. of London and Edinburgh
XXXV. The Sapient Septemviri. King's College, Aberdeen.
XXXVI. Vincent Lunardi, in his basket, ready to ascend.
XXXVII. Marriage
XXXVIII. A group of Aeronauts.
XXXIX. The Right Honourable Colonel Lennox.
XL. Colonel Hunter.
XLI. The Rev. William Robertson, D.D., author of the History of Scotland and Charles V
XLII. Dr. William Robertson, D.D., in his full clerical dress
XLIII. Quartermaster Taylor
XLIV. Cock-fighting Match between the counties of Lanark and Haddington
XLV. James Donaldson
XLVI. Mr. Alexander Thomson and Miss Crawford
XLVII. Retaliation; or the Cudgeller caught
XLVIII. Henry Viscount Melville and The Hob. Robert Dundas of Arniston
XLIX. Bailie James Dickson and Bailie James Torry
L. William Doyle, Samuel Sone, and William Foster
LI. Sir Ralph Abercromby, K.B., giving the word of command
LII. General Sir Ralph Abercromby, K.B., viewing the army, encamped on the plains of Egypt
LIII. Lauchlan McBain
LIV. Second print of Lauchlan McBain
LV. Mrs. Siddons, Mr. Sutherland, Mrs. Woods, of the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh
LVI. Captain George Gordon, Captain George Robertson, and John Grieve, Esq., Lord Provost of Edinburgh
LVII. Rev. Hugh Blair, D.D. of the High Church, Edinburgh
LVIII. The Honourable Henry Erskine, Dean of the faculty of Advocates
LIX. James Bruce, Esq. of Kinnaird, and Peter Williamson
LX. Courtship
LXI. Mr. William Martin, Bookseller and Auctioneer in Edinburgh
LXII. Mr. Thomas White
LXIII. Mr. Henderson and Mr. Charteris, of the Theatre-Royal, Edinburgh
LXIV. The Rev. Joseph Robertson Macgregor, First Minister of the Edinburgh Gaelic Chapel
LXV. The Rev. James Lawson of Belvidere, The Job of Present Times
LXVI. An Exchange of Heads. Hugo Arnot, Esq. - Mr. William Macpherson, and Roger Hog, Esq.
LXVII. The Rev. John McLure, Chaplain to the Grand Lodge
LXVIII. Mr. Alexander Wood, surgeon
LXIX. Mr. Wood
LXX. Captain Hind
LXXI. Robert McQueen of Braxfield, Lord Justice-Clerk
LXXII. George Pratt (The Town-Crier)
LXXIII. The Rev. Dr. John Erskine, late of the Old Greyfriars' Church, Edinburgh
LXXIV. Dr. Erskine
LXXV. Dr. Henry Moyes, lectureer on Chemistry, etc.
LXXVI. Sir William Forbes of Pitsligo, banker in Edinburgh
LXXVII. Thomas Fraser (A Natural)
LXXVIII. The Marquis of Huntly, afterwards Duke of Gordon
LXXIX. Sir James Montgomery of Stanhope and David Stuart Moncrief, esq. of Moredun
LXXX. Rev. Greville Ewing
LXXXI. The Earl of Hopetoun
LXXXII. Charles Hay, Esq., Advocate
LXXXIII. Lord Newton on the Bench
LXXXIV. The Earl of Errol and the Right Honourable Lord Haddo.
LXXXV. Voltaire, the French Philosopher, and Mr. Watson, an Edinburgh Messenger
LXXXVI. Mr. William Smellie, Printer and Mr. Andrew Bell, Engraver
LXXXVII. The Right Honourable David Earl of Leven and Melville
LXXXVIII. The Right Honourable Lord Adam Gordon
LXXXIX. Right Honourable Lord Adam Gordon and His Royal Highness the Count D'Artois, afterwards Charles X
XC. John Dhu
XCI. Sir William Nairne, Baronet, Lord Dunsinnan
XCII. Mr. Ralph Rylance
XCIII. Levelling of the High Street of Edinburgh
XCIV. Mr. Moss in the character of 'Caleb'
XCV. Mr. Robert Meikle
XCVI. Mr. Thomas Neil, Wright and Precentor
XCVII. Major Campbell of the 35th Regiment
XCVIII. The Royal Edinburgh Volunteers. Mr. Archibald Gilchrist
XCIX. John Davidson, Esq., and Lord Henderland. George Paton, Esq. Lord Monboddo and Dr. Hutton.
C. David Ross, Lord Ankerville
CI. Francis Home, M.D.
CII. The Right Hon. the Earl of Haddington, Sir William Forbes of Pitsligo, Bart., and Sir James Hunter Blair, Bart.
CIII. Dr. William Cullen
CIV. Dr. Cullen in his study
CV. William Brodie, Deacon of the Incorporation of Wrights and Masons, Edinburgh
CVI. George Smith and Deacon William Brodie
CVII. General Buttons, An American Officer
CVIII. Mr. John Wright, Lecturer on Law
CIX. John Wright, Edq., Advocate
CX. The Rev. William Beat, Minister of Kilrenny
CXI. James Marshall, Esq., writer to the Signet
CXII. Rev. John Wesley
CXIII. Sir James Grant of Grant, Bart.
CXIV. Dr. Alexander Monro, Secundus, Professor of Anatomy
CXV. Rev. John Kemp, D.D.
CXVI. The Most Noble the Marquis of Graham, and The Right Hon. the Earl of Buchan
CXVII. Henry Dundas, Viscount Melville
CXVIII. Andrew Nicol
CXIX. Three Legal Devotees. Andrew Nicol, Mary Walker, and John Skene
CXX. Four Bucks. Dr. Eiston, Signior Stabilini, Captain McKenzie, and Macnab of Macnab
CXXI. Dr. Andrew Hunter
CXXII. Lord Craig
CXXIII. Mungo Watson, Beadle of Lady Yester's Church, etc.
CXXIV. James Robertson of Kincraigie
CXXV. Thomas Muir, Esq. Younger of Huntershill
CXXVI. Sir Archibald Hope of Pinkie, Bart.
CXXVII. Robert Blair, Esq.
CXXVIII. Robert Blair, Esq., Solicitor-General
CXXIX. The Hon. Robert Dundas of Arniston
CXXX. Captain James Justice of Justice Hall, and a Lady in the costume of 1790
CXXXI. Andrew Dalziel, A.M., F.R.S.
CXXXII. Two Shadows. Lord Kames, and Hugo Arnot, Esq.
CXXXIII. Neil Ferguson, Esq., Advocate, and the Little Polish Count
CXXXIV. Dr. Alexander Hamilton, Professor of Midwifery
CXXXV. Rev. Rowland Hill, A.M.
CXXXVI. James Gregory, M.D.
CXXXVII. Dr. James Gregory, in the uniform of the Royal Edinburgh Volunteers
CXXXVIII. Alexander Osborne, Esq., and Francis Ronaldson, Esq.
CXXXIX. Rev. Robert Walker
CXL. Sir David Rae of Eskgrove, Bart., Lord Justice-Clerk
CXLI. Mr. David Downie, Goldsmith in Edinburgh - tried for High Treason along with Robert Watt in 1794
CXLII. Mr. Thomas Blair, late of the Stamp-Office, Edinburgh
CXLIII. Rev. William Moodie, D.D.
CXLIV. Thomas Elder, Esq. of Forneth, Late Lord Provost of Edinburgh
CXLV. The Right Hon. Lord Viscount Duncan
CXLVI. Admiral Duncan on the Quarter-Deck
CXLVII. Lord Hailes
CXLVIII. Rev. Dr. David Johnston, Minister of North Leith
CXLIX. Sir James Stirling, Bart.
CL. Henry Dundas, and Sir James Stirling, Bart.
CLI. Lord High Chancellor Loughborough, afterwards Earl of Rosslyn
CLII. John Campbell, Esq., of Blythswood
CLIII. The Hon. Basil Cochrane, and James Edgar, Esq., Commissioners of the Customs
CLIV. Rev. Dr. Thomas Davidson, late of the Tolbooth Church, Edinburgh
CLV. Colonel Patrick Crichton
CLVI. George Fergusson, Lord Hermand
CLVII. Mr. John Shiells, Surgeon
CLVIII. Mr. Robert Johnston, and Miss Sibilla Hutton
CLIX. Mr. John Bennet, Surgeon
CLX. Three Officers of the Hopetoun Fencibles. Lord Napier, Major Pilmer, and Major Clarkson.
CLXI. Mr. John Adams, Master of the Royal Riding Menage
CLXII. Mr. William Scott, Mr. James Sibbald, George Fairholme, Esq., and James Kerr, Esq.
CLXIII. Rev. William Paul
CLXIV. Byrne, the Irish Giant, Mr. Watson, Mr. McGowan, Mr. Fairholme, and Geordie Cranstoun
CLXV. Allan Macdougall, Esq. of Glenlochan, Alexander Watson, Esq. of Glenturkie, and Colquhoun Grant, Esq.
CLXVI. Ensign Macdougal, of the Hopetoun Fencibles
CLXVII. Mr. James Rae, Dr. William Laing, and Dr. James Hay
CLXVIII. George Mealmaker, author of the 'Moral and Political Catechism of Man'
CLXIX. Two Turks
CLXX. The City Guard House. Corporal John Dhu
Notes to Vol. 1
Index to the Portraits, etc. in Vol. 1
Index to the Names Incidentally Mentioned in the First Volume
» Kay's Originals Vol. 2
» Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time
» Edinburgh Past and Present
» Old and New Edinburgh Vol. I
» Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II
» Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III
» Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV
» Old and New Edinburgh Vol. V
» Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI
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Robert McQueen of Braxfield, Lord Justice-Clerk
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